
Form I and II Out and About to Hautbois




 Form I and II ventured out to Hautbois Activity Centre in Norfolk on Friday afternoon. All the children were very excited and couldn't wait for the adventure weekend to start. They had a fun-packed day of activities on Saturday, (including archery, abseiling and outdoor cooking), followed by a great campfire where there was a lot of toasting marshmallows and singing. Sunday began bright and frosty and with even more activities and then everyone returned to School tired, but happy. This was a great weekend and the weather was kind to us, (with only some rain during Friday night).

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 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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