
Equality and Diversity Policy

Equality and Diversity Policy

Statement of intent


Barnardiston Hall is committed to providing equality of opportunity and anti-discriminatory practice for all  children, their carers and families.




We aim to:

• Provide a secure environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are valid;

• Include and value the contribution of all carers / families to our understanding of equality and diversity;

• Provide positive non-stereotyping information about different ethnic groups and people with disabilities;

• Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of equality and diversity; and make inclusion a thread which runs through all of the activities in the School

The legal framework for this policy is:

• Race Relations Act 1976;

• Race Relations Amendment Act 2000;

• Sex Discrimination Act 1986;

• Children Act 1989; and

• Special Educational Needs and Disability Act 2001.




See separate policy.

• We advertise our service widely to Local Authorities.

• We provide information in clear, concise language, whether in spoken or written form.

• We will endeavour to provide information in other formats or in another language  if needed.

• We base our admissions policies on fair system which is based on the needs of the child applying and of those already in our community.

• We do not discriminate against a child with a disability or refuse a child entry to the School  because of any disability.

• We ensure that Parents, Social Workers, families and carers are made aware of our equal opportunities policy.

• We develop action plans to ensure that people with disabilities can participate successfully in the services offered by the School.



• Posts are advertised and all applicants are judged against explicit and fair criteria.

• The applicant who best meets the criteria is offered the post, subject to references and checks by the Criminal Records Bureau. This ensures fairness in the selection process.

All job descriptions from the date of this policy will include a statement which specifically

 requires a commitment to equality and diversity as part of their specifications.

• We monitor our application process to ensure that it is fair and accessible.


• We seek out training opportunities for staff to enable them to develop practices which enable all children to flourish.

• We review our practices to ensure that we are fully implementing our policy for equality and diversity.




The School’s  ethos and activities encourage children to develop positive attitudes to people who are different from themselves. We will work to encourage children to empathise with others.

We do this by:


• Making children feel valued and good about themselves;

• Ensuring that children have equality of access to learning;

• Reflecting the widest possible range of communities in the choice of resources;

• Avoiding stereotypes or derogatory images in the selection of materials;

• Celebrating a wide range of festivals;

• Creating an environment of mutual respect and tolerance;

• Helping children to understand that discriminatory behaviour and remarks are unacceptable;

• Ensuring that the activities offered are inclusive of children with special educational needs

and children with disabilities;

• Ensuring that children whose first language is not English have full access to the activities

and are supported in their learning and play.

Valuing Diversity in Families


• We welcome the diversity of family life and work with all families, carers and social workers.

• We encourage parents/carers / social workers to take part in the life of the School and to contribute fully.

• For families who have a first language other than English, we value the contribution their culture and language offer.




• We work in partnership with children, families, carers and social workers to ensure that the medical, cultural and dietary needs of children are met.

• We help children to learn about a range of food, cultural approaches to mealtimes and eating and to respect the differences among them.



• Meetings are arranged to ensure that all families, carers and social workers can contribute their views to the life of the School. 

• Information about meetings can be communicated in a variety of ways – written, verbal and in translation – to ensure that all parents, carers and social workers have information about access to the meetings.

This policy has been adopted by the School on August 1 2009. 

Date of Review July 2013

  crested logo Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is a trading name for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Ltd
 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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