Child Protection (Safeguarding) incorporating EYFS Policy and Procedures (A6, E1, B2)
Child Protection (Safeguarding) incorporating EYFS
Policy and Procedures (A6, E1, B2)
“Child abuse is the term used when an adult harms a child or a young person under the age of 18... Child abuse can take four forms, all of which can cause long term damage to a child: physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and child sexual abuse. Bullying and domestic violence are also forms of child abuse.”
The safety and wellbeing of all our pupils at Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is our highest priority. Our business is to know everyone as an individual and to provide a secure and caring environment, so that every pupil can learn in safety. We expect respect, good manners and fair play to be shown by everyone so that every pupil can develop his/her full potential and feel positive about him/herself as an individual. All members of the school community should care for, and support, each other.
Blue: Information
Black: Policy
Green: Procedure
BHPS Child Protection Policy (Safeguarding) updated October 2013
C:\Documents and Settings\User\Desktop\2012 Spring Term\BHPS Child Protection Policy (Safeguarding) updated January 2012.doc
Updated October 2013
The NSPCC defines child abuse as:
“Child abuse is the term used when an adult harms a child or a young person under the age of 18…Child abuse can take four forms, all of which can cause long term damage to a child: physical abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and child sexual abuse. Bullying and domestic violence are also forms of child abuse”.
“A child may be experiencing abuse if he or she is:
$1· Frequently dirty, hungry or inadequately dressed
$1· Left in unsafe situations, or without medical attention
$1· Constantly “put down,” insulted, sworn at or humiliated
$1· Seems afraid of parents or carers
$1· Severely bruised or injured
$1· Displays sexual behaviour which does not seem appropriate for their age
$1· Growing up in a home where there is domestic violence
$1· Living with parents or carers involved in serious drug or alcohol abuse”
“Remember, this list does not cover every child abuse possibility. You may have seen other things in the child’s behaviour or circumstances that worry you”.
“Abuse is always wrong and it is never the young person’s fault.”
Some of the signs and behaviours which may indicate that a child is being abused are:
$1l repeated minor injuries
$1l children are dirty, smelly, poorly clothed or appear underfed
$1l children have lingering illnesses which are not attended to, deterioration in school work, or significant changes in behaviour, aggressive behaviour, severe tantrums
$1l an air of 'detachment' or 'don't care' attitude
$1l overly compliant behaviour
$1l a 'watchful attitude'
$1l sexually explicit behaviour (e.g. playing games and showing awareness which is inappropriate for the child's age), continual open masturbation, aggressive and inappropriate sex play
$1l a child who is reluctant to go home, or is kept away from school for no apparent reason
$1l not trusting adults, particularly those who are close
$1l 'tummy pains' with no medical reason
$1l eating problems, including over-eating, loss of appetite
$1l disturbed sleep, nightmares, bed-wetting
$1l running away from home, suicide attempts
$1l self-inflicted wounds
$1l reverting to younger behaviour
$1l depression, withdrawal
$1l relationships between child and adults which are secretive and exclude others
$1l pregnancy
These signs are not evidence themselves but may be a warning, particularly if a child exhibits several of them or a pattern emerges. It is important to remember that there may be other explanations for a child showing such signs. Abuse is not easy to diagnose, even for experts.
At Barnardiston Hall, we show respect for others and mutual tolerance. Parents/guardians have an important role in supporting The School. Copies of this policy, together with our other policies relating to issues of child protection, are on our web site, and we hope that parents and guardians will always feel able to take up any issues or worries that they may have with the School. We will never ignore an allegation of child abuse and will always deal with concerns appropriately and thoroughly. Open communication is essential.
Barnardiston Hall School follows the Government’s recommendations for the safer recruitment and employment of staff who work with children.
$1l All members of the teaching and non-teaching staff at the School, including part-time staff, and regular visiting staff, such as musicians and sports coaches, are checked with the Disclosure and Barring Service before starting work. (DBS Enhanced check)
$1l Volunteer helpers, contractors working regularly during term-time and adult members of the families of members of staff who live on site are also vetted if there is any possibility of them having unsupervised access to children whilst in School.
$1l Our policies are reviewed by the Senior Management Team annually. The Deputy Head and Registrar have undertaken (Bischard) Safer Recruitment Training.
$1l Any unchecked staff who visits the School on an ad-hoc basis will be fully supervised whilst on the premises by a member of School Staff who holds and Enhanced DBS check.
Mr Paul Whittles, Deputy Head, is our Child Protection Officer (CPO otherwise known as Senior Designated Person, SDP) for the school including Early Years. He has been trained for this role in Child Protection and Inter-Agency working. He has Level 3 Safeguarding training and attends “Training for Trainers” (SSCB) courses and annual updates and, as such, is qualified to deliver Level 2 training. To keep informed, regular updates are received from Suffolk SCB, Weekly CASPAR summaries and Safer Suffolk and COEP updates The Principal, Col. Keith Boutler undertakes Level 3 training in Safeguarding at least three yearly and it is to him that reports and concerns should be made in the absence of the CPO. Lead responsibility for safeguarding in EYFS is Mrs Alison Tuer, the head of EYFS. (Regulation E286). Ofsted will be informed of any allegations of serious harm or abuse on or off the premises and of actions taken by the CPO and/or Principal, within 14 days of the allegation. |
The School’s records on child protection are kept locked in the Deputy Principal's Office and are separated from routine pupil records. Access is restricted to the SDP and the Principal.
It is the CPOs responsibility to update the Child Protection Policy at least annually and to update changes in regulations as they occur. The Headmaster and Principal are alerted of updates and the updated version of this policy, which is then displayed on the staff management platform, Doctrina, and on the school's website. |
Every new member of staff, including, part-timers, temporary, visiting and contract staff regularly working in school, receives basic training on their responsibilities in being alert to the signs of abuse and bullying and on the procedures for recording and referring any concerns to the CPO or the Principal. The CPO is a Level 3 Trainer in Safeguarding registered with Suffolk SCB - Staff do refresher courses every 3 years in accordance with Suffolk SCB guidelines.
New members of staff and volunteers are given copies of the School’s Code of Conduct which is contained within the Curriculum Policy (A3). Discussion of the procedures set out in that document forms a vital part of our induction procedures. The model code of conduct provides guidance for teachers and other members of staff when faced with handling issues relating to safeguarding. It is not intended to be a substitute for proper training in Safeguarding.
The code is placed on the agenda of a staff meeting once a year, so that it can be reviewed and updated by staff.
The CPO should always be informed if a member of staff has any concerns about a pupil’s wellbeing. All information may be important and will be acted upon. The CPO will inform the Headmaster or Principal, if this is appropriate, or refer directly to the SSCB.
Barnardiston Hall expects open and effective communication between staff and pupils and it aims to have excellent pastoral support structures. We aim to prepare all our pupils to make reasoned, informed choices, judgements and decisions. Time is allocated in PSHE time for discussion of safety, rights and expectations in relationships and in developing in pupils the confidence which they require to recognise abuse and to stay safe.
All pupils know that there are adults to whom they can turn if they are worried, including their form teachers, Headmaster, the Principal, Sister Durrant, the School Nurse; members of The Bridge Learning Support Team; the “I just wanted to tell you” post-box; Denise Smith, our independent listener and any other member of staff they feel they can trust.
In particular:
$1l All pupils have access to a telephone helpline, enabling them to call for support in private.
$1l Our boarding house displays advice on where pupils can seek help.
$1l We provide guidance to our Head Boys/Girls and their team of prefects which specifically covers the importance of what to do when younger and vulnerable pupils need support/assistance.
Barnardiston is committed to equal treatment for all, regardless of an individual’s race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation or social background.
We aim to create a friendly, caring and perceptive environment in which every individual is valued. We endeavour to contribute positively towards the growing autonomy, self-esteem and safety of each pupil.
Bullying, harassment, victimisation and discrimination will not be tolerated. We treat all our pupils and their parents fairly and with consideration and we expect them to reciprocate towards each other, the staff and the School. Any kind of bullying is unacceptable. See Anti Bullying Policy (National Minimum Standards for Boarding Schools Appendix 1- 1)
Copies of the School’s complaints procedure are available on Doctrina to all members of staff. Copies are sent to parents.
This policy is designed to cover all children at the School from the ages of 2 – 13 years. However, it does take heed of paragraphs 3.8 and 3.9 of the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage and copies of all relevant policies are given to members of staff in the Early Years team.
Mr Paul Whittles, Deputy Head, is our Child Protection Officer (CPO sometimes known as Senior Designated Person, SDP) for the school including Early Years. He has been trained to Level 3 Safeguarding. He regularly attends courses with other child support agencies to ensure that he remains conversant with best practice and received regular updates from the main agencies dealing with Safeguarding. He undergoes refresher training annually with Suffolk Safeguarding Children Board (SSCB).
The Principal, Col. Keith Boutler is trained to Level 3 Safeguarding, renewed on a 3 year cycle and it is to him that reports and concerns should be made in the absence of the CPO.
Lead responsibility for safeguarding in EYFS is Mrs Alison Tuer, the head of EYFS. (Regulation E286). Ofsted will be informed of any allegations of serious harm or abuse on or off the premises and of actions taken by the CPO and/or Principal, within 14 days of the allegation.
NO member of staff should offer any child confidentiality in matters which could, or already have, affected the child's physical, social, emotional, emotional or sexual wellbeing.DO NOT promise that “everything will be all right”. Realistically, it is not within your, or our, power to make it so.
HOWEVER.... Because such judgements often require sophisticated knowledge and understanding, all staff must err on the side of caution. It is better to discuss a hundred cases where no abuse is occurring than to miss one case because a wrong assumption has been made. If you have any worry or concern about a child, it must be discussed with senior staff and if it involves any form of abuse, with the Senior Designated Person, Mr Paul Whittles. |
If a child starts to disclose abuse: - Re-assure the child that s/he is right to tell and is not to blame • Do not promise not to tell anyone else; explain that you have to make sure the child is safe and you may need to ask other adults to help you to do this. • Do not question the child unnecessarily. Let him/her tell you what s/he wants to and no more; s/he may need to disclose to a specialist later and too much detail given early may interfere with later investigations. (Having made this point, it is important to ensure that pupils who have learning difficulties, communication or emotional problems are provided every opportunity and means to express themselves and to do so in a framework of security and support.) • When s/he has finished, make sure s/he feels secure; explain what you are going to do next. • Record any disclosure in the child's own words as near verbatim as possible and as soon as you can. • You may write key words down as the child speaks to you to aid with accuracy. • It is NOT your job to investigate. • Be careful to distinguish fact from opinion. • Date, note time and sign notes. Forms for the reporting of CP concerns are kept by the CPO. • Original notes must be handed in and kept with the record of the incident. You are advised to keep a copy for your own records as cases of abuse can take many years to come to court. Accurate note-taking in as detached and factual manner as possible is essential.
Inform personally and immediately the CPO, Mr Paul Whittles, or in his absence, the Principal who is the deputy CPO, or a member of the Senior Management Team, that a disclosure has been made to you.
A completed report form should, as soon as possible thereafter, be handed to the CPO, Principal or a member of the Senior Management Team (in this order) or placed in a sealed envelope, marked for the urgent attention of the Child Protection Officer and given in to the School Office.
The following action will be taken by the CPO and/or Principal:
All allegations or suspicions of abuse are taken seriously and will be discussed with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). In the event of any serious incident or disclosure, Social Services (Customer First) must be informed within 24 hours.
Detailed records of all relevant content and details will be kept by the CPO and a confidential CP file for the child started. An internal meeting to which relevant staff will be invited, will be convened without delay by the CPO or Principal. Relevant staff, including the member of staff to whom disclosure was made, will be informed of the action taken by the Principal or CPO. Parents of a child who has made a disclosure may be contacted directly by the Principal or Mr Whittles to determine the appropriate course of action on advice from the SSCB Safeguarding Team and within 24 hours of the disclosure. In the event of a parent being involved in the disclosure, this will always be referred directly to the Safeguarding Authority. After all actions are completed, the CPO with the Principal and Senior Management Team will review the policy and procedures and adjust as necessary. |
Staff must not discuss disclosures with parents unless specifically authorised to do so by the Principal or Mr Whittles. Any “difficult situations” must be referred immediately.
(See the policy on Whistle blowing)
If a pupil makes an allegation against a member of staff, the procedure outlined above must be followed:
$1l NO DISCUSSION with any other member of staff should take place. $1l The child should NOT be questioned beyond establishing the points he / she wishes to make. $1l The Child Protection Officer (Mr Whittles), The Headmaster (Mr Dodgson) or the Principal (Col K Bolter) in this order, should be informed as soon as possible after the disclosure or allegation has been made. $1l All allegations or suspicions of abuse are taken seriously will be immediately discussed with the Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO). Appropriate procedures will be implemented by the Senior Management Team without delay to safeguard the child and the member of staff. Disciplinary procedures will be implemented as appropriate. The child's safety is the priority but due regard will be given to the wellbeing of the staff member who stands accused. $1l Allegations which are found to be malicious will be removed from personnel records $1l Records will be kept of all other allegations but any that are not substantiated are unfounded or malicious will not be referred to in employer references. $1l We have a duty of disclosure. Telephone numbers are at the end of this policy. |
If an allegation/concern involves the Principal, the case should be immediately referred to the CPO who will send details to the Suffolk Safeguarding Team for its consideration and its decision on what action to take.
If the allegation/concern involves the CPO, then the case will be referred to the Principal for his consideration and further action as necessary.
We are required to report to the Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) within one month of leaving the school, any person (whether employed, contracted, a volunteer or student teacher or gap student) whose services are no longer used because he or she is considered unsuitable for working with children; This includes dismissal, non-renewal of a fixed term contract; terminating the placement of a student teacher or other trainee; no longer using volunteers; resignation; voluntary withdrawal of supply teaching, contract working, a course of ITT or volunteering It is important that reports include as much evidence about the circumstances of the case as possible. Failure to do so is an offence and the school may be removed from the DfE register of independent schools as a consequence. The ISA contact details are at the end of this policy. In the case of EYFS, this will also be reported to Ofsted within 14 days in line with EYFS E286. |
If the disclosure involves another pupil, the procedure outlined above must be followed.
Abuse by pupils in the School may be physical, sexual or emotional. There will be a need to distinguish between actions that can be dealt with through normal internal disciplinary channels and those which constitute potential abuse where involvement of other statutory agencies is required.
The following guidelines are designed to help clarify the situation:
Physical Abuse. A one-off small scale injury such as a bruise or mark on the skin following a disagreement between two pupils would not normally be regarded as abuse but would need to be recorded and dealt with through the disciplinary procedures currently applying.
Systematic or regular physical injury sustained by one child from another who has not responded to normal disciplinary measures may constitute abuse and consideration would need to be given to see if implementation of the Child Protection procedures and/or Barnardiston’s Exclusion Policy is warranted. Major physical injuries deliberately inflicted may involve immediate implementation of the Child Protection procedures as well as the temporary or permanent exclusion of the pupil who had inflicted the injuries. These situations would be decided after consultation with Social Services.
A Bullying incident should be treated as a child protection concern when there is a ”reasonable cause to suspect that a child is suffering, or likely to suffer, significant harm” In such cases, we will report concerns to the LADO. |
Sexual Abuse. Since Barnardiston only accommodates children aged up to 13+, any form of sexual contact constitutes abuse and the Child Protection procedures will be implemented.
Emotional Abuse. The systematic verbal bullying of one pupil by another or others constitutes abuse and has to be recognised as a serious matter. It will also be dealt with in accordance with Barnardiston’s policy on bullying. Staff should be aware of the possibility of cyber-bullying.
Staff may have unconfirmed worries about pupils, but little real evidence, that a child is being abused, and so feel unsure about how to proceed. If information from one member of staff was placed alongside that of other professionals, then there may be a serious cause for concern. It is therefore vital that even vague worries are passed on at the earliest stages to the designated staff. They may hold other information which would lead to a more complete picture of the child being formed. This can then be passed on as necessary.
Members of staff support pupils best if they themselves adopt high professional standards. Care needs to be taken about becoming over-familiar with the children, in having conversations of a type which could be misconstrued and by avoiding situations in which a child is alone with a member of staff.
All staff at Barnardiston Hall need to be aware of the following definition given to the term “confidential information” with respect to child protection.
“An obligation assumed by someone who receives information is that s/he will only use it for some specified purpose and will not disclose it to others.”
Whilst adhering to the principle of limiting the spread of information to the minimum numbers of people, all staff at Barnardiston Hall who are closely involved with a child, for whom there are child protection concerns, should know about the child’s circumstances, as it may affect practical matters such as:
$1· Who meets the child from school
$1· Who gives permission to go on outings and educational visits
$1· Who attends Parents’ Evenings/occasions
$1· Who should or should not share a room at the School or on a trip.
Boarding, teaching, support assistants, therapy and visiting medical staff may all attend child protection conferences where they are likely to hear detailed information about family circumstances and abusive incidents. They may also receive minutes that record these meetings. Particular care is necessary to maintain the confidentiality of such information whilst ensuring that the issues which may impact upon the child’s school life are communicated to all relevant staff. However, the child’s feelings are very important and many prefer staff not to know about traumatic events in their lives. The importance of discretion and sensitivity in the handling of such information cannot be overstated.
Staff will be told in staff meetings of current child protection concerns that impact on their work. This will be the duty of the Headmaster. Such updates will take place on a termly basis or as a new concern is identified. Child protection issues will be on the agenda of at least one staff meeting per term.
Access to the detailed child protection files will be only through the SDP and Principal. Child Protection files will be passed on to the child's Senior School's SDP, who are in turn obliged to keep information for a period of 30 years after the child leaves full time education.
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School
Recording Form for Safeguarding Concerns
(Must be handwritten)
Name of Student/person making disclosure |
Date of Birth |
Form/Class |
Your name and position in school |
Nature of concern / disclosure
Only record what was actually said DO NOT add your own opinion
Your signature Date (d/m/y) |
Was there an injury Yes / No Did you see the injury? Yes / No |
Describe the injury |
Have you filled in a body plan to show where the injury is and its approximate size? Yes / No |
Was anyone with you? Who? |
Has this happened before? Did you report the previous injury? |
Who are you passing this information to? Name: Position: Date: Time: |
Your Signature: Date: |
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School
Action taken by SDP |
Referred to: (state by whom, date and time) |
Principal |
School Nurse |
Safeguarding (who) |
Police (who) |
Parent (which / how?) |
Other |
Parents informed? By whom? Yes / No (If no state reason) |
Feedback given to : (date time) |
Form Tutor |
Pupil |
General staff |
Person who recorded disclosure |
SDP Signature Date |
CP Recording form updated 04/26/10
Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School
Body map – Must be handwritten
Pupil: Date of Birth: Form / Class: Date:
Site of injury
Describe size shape and type of injury
Reported by Name: Reported to:
Your Role in school: Role :
Date / time: Date / time:
You have concerns that a child is being abused but no specific evidence $1l Discuss with the Child Protection Officer, Mr Paul Whittles $1l “Recording Form for Safeguarding concern” must be filed in a Child Protection file and secured. |
Ensure that you listen to what the child wants to tell you. $1l Do not investigate or ask leading questions. $1l Do not promise confidentiality. $1l Do not promise “everything will be alright ” $1l Tell the child that you have to pass the information they have given on to Mr Paul Whittles who has responsibility for Child Protection in school. $1l Note full details as given, as near verbatim as possible. $1l Note time, date, location and people present. $1l Report immediately to the Child Protection Officer. $1l Hand over your original notes and complete a “Recording Form for Safeguarding Concern” form. $1l Keep a copy for yourself, along with a note of actions you have taken. |
Mr Whittles must, with the staff member receiving a disclosure, complete the CAF documentation and seek safeguarding advice and/or report it, within 24 hours of the disclosure being made to Customer First 0808 80 4005 . |
Files involving Child Protection issues are passed on to the Child's Secondary School who must keep these records for a period of 30 year after the child leave full time education. |
If an allegation involves a member of staff this must be passed on immediately to the Child Protection Officer or Principal (as appropriate) and must be passed on to Customer First (Suffolk Safeguarding Board 0808 80 4005 who will direct procedures . |
Useful Telephone Numbers: Mr Paul Whittles (Child Protection Officer) School: 01440 786 114 (direct line) or 01440786316 Ext 250 (Office); 251 (Classroom); 261 (Flat) Principal Col K A Boulter School: 01440 786 316 Ext 201 (Office); Home: 01440 787788 Mobile: 07795 962 690 Headmaster TWT Dodgson School: 01440 786316 Ext 206 (Office); Ext 210 (home); Mobile: 077 883 92870 Suffolk Safeguarding Customer First: 0808 800 4005 (out of hours 01473 299 669) Suffolk Safeguarding Professionals Line: 08456 066 167 Suffolk Safeguarding Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) Susanne Bedford: 01284 758816 Independent Safeguarding Authority (ISA) to be informed of anyone whose services are no longer used because he/she is considered unsuitable to work with children. PO Box 181, Darlington DL1 9FA (01325 953 795) |