
Boarding Information Handbook for Boarders

Boarding Information Handbook for Boarders

Welcome to boarding at Barnardiston Hall.  We hope that you are going to have a wonderful time with us.

If you have any queries during the School day, your teachers or Mrs Gundersen or Mrs Fuller in the School Office are a good starting point and, if they are not able to help you themselves, they will be able to direct your question to the right person.  Your Matron or members of the boarding team will be able to help with any problems in the evening. 

Some boarders feel a little homesick during the first few weeks and this is perfectly normal even if you have been very excited about boarding and are enjoying it.  The best way to deal with this is to keep yourself busy and to talk to your Matron, or anyone else you feel comfortable with, about it.  We are here to help and will do everything we can to ensure that you settle in quickly and happily into the boarding environment.

You will be sharing a room with other boarders and there is a notice board area where you can pin posters of photographs of family and friends.  Many of our boarders also bring a teddy or other favourite toy from home to keep them company in the early days!

All electrical items brought into the boarding house must be passed to your Matron for electrical testing prior to being used and you should make sure that they have your name marked on them with a permanent marker.




Every night, your underwear and shirt should be put into the wash as well as any other items of uniform that are dirty.  Your Matron will show you where your laundry bin is located.  Clean washing is collected from the Laundry Room in the Main House and will be put into a basket with your name on it.  Again, your Matron will show you where this is and the laundry ladies will also assist you.  


The Daily Routine

You will be woken up at about 7am each weekday morning by a member of staff when you will wash, dress and tidy your room, prior to room inspection at 7.45am.  You will then go to breakfast before going to registration in School at 8.15am.

At morning break time, all boarders go to the Dining Hall  for a drink of milk or water and a snack (alternating between fruit, biscuits or crisps).

During the School day, boarders may return to the boarding house to change for sport.  During this time, House Staff will be on hand to assist you.  The Boarding House is out of bounds at all other times during the School day.

School finishes at 4.30pm each day and you will then go to the Dining Hall to have a drink and a biscuit prior to either starting your their prep or going to clubs and societies.

Supper is served in the Dining Hall at 6.30pm each evening although this may be a little later if you have been playing in an ‘away’ match.  At lunch and supper there is always a hot main meal and desert and a salad bar alternative with jacket potatoes.  All children are encouraged to try a variety of food and we aim to offer something to tempt you at every meal time.  Boarders are responsible for clearing away their plates and cleaning tables.  In the evenings, drinks and snacks are available in the Main House Kitchen.  Water is available on the boarding floors. 

In the evenings Matrons will ensure that showers are taken and that your teeth are cleaned prior to going to bed.  Bedtimes change, depending on the time of year but average around 8pm for younger boarders to 9.30pm for seniors.




Sister Durrant is available from 8.15am onwards in the Surgery, located on the ground floor and you may go to see her immediately after breakfast if you feel unwell or if you need to take some medicine

The names of the boarding staff on duty each evening and shown on the Boarders’ Noticeboard which is located outside the Bursar’s Office.  You will also be shown where the boarding staff sleep and you should knock on their door if you are feeling unwell during the night.

If you are very unwell, you may have to stay in the San on your floor.  If this happens, you will be given an intercom and so you can contact a member of staff immediately at any time.

Keeping in touch

After you have settled in you will be encouraged to keep in touch regularly with those at home.  We will give you a special ’PIN’ number which you should keep secret and this will enable you to use any telephone in the School to make a call.  Don’t worry if you lose your PIN number, we will keep a record of it but you should not let anyone else use it and should not tell anyone else the number as all calls made by you  will be charged to your parents at the end of the term. 

Lots of boarders email their friends and family and boarding staff will be able to tell you when you can go into the Computer Room and they will supervise you whilst you are there.  

Some children like to bring a mobile phone into School but these must b handed to Matrons immediately for safe keeping.  You will be allowed to collect your phone after supper and prep each night and it must be handed back in again before you go to sleep each night. 

All boarders love receiving letters and the occasional parcel and we also encourage you to write home.  If you would like to do this, ask your parents to supply you with some writing paper, envelopes and stamps.    Post is collected from the School Office each day.


A problem shared...

We aim to sort any problems out before they happen but this is not always possible.  However, we have lots of people that you can talk to if you have any difficulties or worries.  Your Matrons and teachers are always available as is Mr Dodgson.  However, if you want to speak to somebody else, not involved with boarding life, you will find that Mrs Gundersen in the School Office or Mrs Gregory in the Bursar’s Office are very welcoming and will do everything they can to help or to find somebody who can!    Posters on the boarding floors show who else you can speak to and give details of our ‘Independent Listener’ who is completely separate from the School. 

If you have a concern that you don’t feel able to talk about, we have an ’I just wanted to tell you’ letter box which is on the wall just inside the back door to the Main House. 

Arriving and Departing

All boarders are expected to travel to and from School  wearing uniform.  Permission to go home not wearing uniform can only be given by the Headmaster.


You will be able to choose some tuck every Wednesday when we have ‘Tuck and Video’ night.  However, if you would like to bring some extra in for the weekends, this should be given to either Mr Whittles or to your Matrons.  This will then be labelled and kept safely in the House Kitchen and you will have it during the weekend.

Pocket Money

You do not need to bring any pocket money to School but, if you do, this should be handed in immediately to the Bursar’s Office who will look after it for you until you need it. 





Extra-Curricular Activities

There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities that your child can join and we have ‘sign-up forms’ on the School Noticeboard at the start of each term showing the activities available.  Mr Dodgson will make sure you know where to go and when!


Exeat Weekends

We have two exeat weekends each term and most children return home on the Friday night at the end of the School day to spend a weekend with parents / guardians and return to School on either the Sunday evening (between 4-6pm) or Monday morning (by no later than 8am).  If you are unable to go home for any reason, you will be looked after at School and the boarding staff will make sure that you have an enjoyable weekend. 

Overseas Boarders

All boarders who normally live in another country will be met at the airport by Barnardiston Hall staff.  Upon arrival, you must make sure that your passport and any other documentation is handed in immediately to a member of staff for safekeeping.  


Boarding Staff

Mr and Mrs Dodgson ~ Headmaster and Headmaster’s Wife

Mr Whittles - Head of Boarding

Miss Katsarou ~ Residential Staff

Mr Boudin ~ Residential Staff

Mrs Bavester (Day) and Mrs Clifton (Evening) - Girls’ Matron

Mrs Hart (Day) and Mrs Rozier (Evening)  - Boys’ Matron

Mr Wilcox ~ Day Staff with Residential Duties

Miss Cross—Day Staff with Residential Duties

Miss Merceron - GAP Staff

Miss Davies - GAP Staff


Preparatory School

Guidelines for Boarders

at Barnardiston Hall




We hope that, with so many people around to talk to, any complaints or problems you may have will be sorted out quickly.

In addition to the Boarding Staff, your Matrons, the Headmaster and his wife and all the other people in the School, you can also speak to your parents or guardians about anything that is worrying you or you can put a note in the ‘I Just Wanted to Tell You’ box.

If, for any reason, you are not happy with the answer you are given about your complaint, you should speak to your parents or guardians or a member of staff you trust.  They will be able to tell you how to make a formal complaint and they will help you.

You will never get into trouble for making an honest complaint and it will be kept as confidential as we can.  Your parents or guardians will be told that you wish to make a complaint and they will also be invited to help you if this is something you would like.  Alternatively, you may wish to ask another adult to help.

The School has a formal Complaints Procedure and an adult will help you to understand how it works.  The will also tell you how you can contact either Ofsted or ISI if you are still not happy with the answers you receive following a formal investigation of your complaint.

Ofsted can be contacted either in writing at:

OFSTED, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD.  Telephone 0300 123 3153

ISI (Independent Schools Inspectorate) can be contacted at:

ISI, Cap House, 9-12 Long Lane, London, EC1A 9HA.  Telephone 020 7600 0100.

Here comes the legal bit - ask an adult to explain this part to you!

A written record is kept of all complaints made and the stage at which they are resolved.  This will be kept confidential except where the Secretary of State or a body conducting an inspection under Section 162A of the 2002 Act requests access to them or where any other legal obligation prevails.

The may sound very complicated and you should remember that the best way to solve any problem is to


  crested logo Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is a trading name for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Ltd
 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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