
Health and Safety

Policy for

Health and Safety




I take account of the requirement to comply with Health and Safety Legislation and, in pursuit of its objectives; I have prepared this statement of policy for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School.

I recognises that under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, I have a legal duty to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare for all its employees, and that I along with every Head of Department is responsible for ensuring the health and safety of staff, pupils and others (especially: visitors who are unfamiliar with the school, those who are disabled, or have special needs).

I accept these duties and it will continue to be the policy of the School to promote standard of health, safety and welfare that comply fully with the term and requirements of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, Regulations made under that Act and Approved Codes of Practice.  Furthermore, health and safety is recognised as a responsibility at least equal to that of any other function in the School.

I have delegated some of my duties to other members of staff; but ultimate responsibility rests with me. Persons who have been given specific responsibilities are detailed in the arrangements part of Barnardiston Hall’s Health and Safety Policy.

Mrs A Gregory (our Bursar) is the School’s Health and Safety Co-ordinator, and is responsible for advising me on any measures that may be needed in order to carry out maintenance work without risks to health and safety. She also co-ordinates the advice given by specialist safety advisors, and produces the action plans.  She has overall responsibility for monitoring health and safety within the school and for reporting any breaches to me.  She is responsible for ensuring compliance with CDM Regulations, and for safe work for all at the school.

The School will take all such steps as are reasonably practicable to:

$1·    Maintain safe and health working places and systems and methods of work and to protect all employees, pupils and others, including the public, in so far as they come into contact with foreseeable work hazards;

$1·    Provide and maintain a safe and healthy working, teaching and learning environment for all employees and pupils with adequate facilities and arrangements for their welfare;

$1·    Provide all employees and pupils with the information, instruction, training and supervision that they require to work safely and efficiently.  The School’s Health and Safety Consultants will assist the provision of their information which will be disseminated by the Bursar.

$1·    Develop safety awareness amongst all employees and pupils and, as a result of this, promote individual responsibility for health and safety at all levels.  In this connection, the Headmaster reminds all employees of their own duties under Section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act – to take care in their own work for their own health and Safety and that of other employees, pupils and the public. They are also legally required to co-operate with the Headmaster so as to enable them to comply with their legal responsibilities;

$1·    Provide a safe environment for all visitors to School premises, bearing in mind that these visitors may not necessarily be attuned to certain aspect of teaching and school environments;

$1·    Control effectively the activities of all outside contractors when on School premises.  It is the intention of the School that, apart from the routine supervision and control of contractors, this aim will be achieved in part by demanding copies of the contractors’ safety policies at the Tender Stage;

$1·    Encourage full and effective two-way communication on health and safety matters by utilising the management structure of the School;

$1·    Ensure that this policy is used as a practical working document and that its contents are publicised fully;

$1·    Constantly review the details of this policy and keep it in line with changes in legislation and authoritative guidance relevant to school activities;

$1·    Provide details of the “organisation” and “arrangements” made to carry out this policy which will be published by the Headmaster as an appendix to this policy document.  Copies of this statement will be made known to all employees and supplementary statements will be issued in appropriate cases relating to the work of particular departments or groups of staff.

Reviewed:  07 August 2013


Health and Safety Management Plan

$11                    I have set up a School Health and Safety Committee is under the chairmanship of Mrs A Gregory, our Bursar, who is responsible for health and safety.

$12                    The Health and Safety Committee is constituted as follows:

$13                    The teams role is to:

$14                    Meet once a term (unless some emergency initiates additional meetings) to discuss matters concerning Health and Safety, changes in legislation.

$15                    Monitor the effectiveness of health and safety within the school.

$16                    Review accidents and near misses.  Discuss preventative measures.

$17                    Review and update Risk Assessments

$18                    Discuss training requirements

$19                    Monitor the implementation of professional advice

$110                Review the Safety Policy guidance and updating it

$111                Assist in the development of safety rules and safe systems of work

$112                Monitor communication and publicity relating to health and safety in the work place

$113                Encourage suggestions and reporting of defects by all members of staff.

$114                A written record of each meeting will be maintained – a copy of which will be passed to the Headmaster.

It is incumbent upon all employees of the School to conduct themselves in accordance with the School’s published Health and Safety policy and to bring to the notice of the appropriate member of the Management Team any Health and Safety matter which they consider should be discussed at the termly meeting.

$115                It is an established requirement that all teachers must, at all times, exercise a duty of care in respect of pupils in their charge.  Likewise with Health & Safety, we are all required to exercise a duty of care in conformity with the Health & Safety Regulations.  It should, however, be recognised that the policy can only work effectively if the duty of care is exercised on the basis of reasonableness and practicality rather than idealism.




Aim - General

The aim of our school is to create an atmosphere of carefulness both in and out of school, this is for all users of the school, children, school staff, parents and the community.

This carefulness includes:

$1·      The ability of each individual to protect him/her self

$1·      Concern and consideration for the safety of others

$1·      Knowledge of what to do in certain situations

$1·      Alertness and control

$1·      Cultivation of good habits

For children, good safety habits are taught as part of the whole curriculum. This can be through topics, for instance, a safe place to play, which could include Science, English or Technology, and the involvement of outside agencies such as the police, fire brigade, road safety officer etc.

It might also be through a health related topic such as smoking.

At Barnardiston Hall children are encouraged to develop healthy habits through good health and hygiene routines, for example regular exercise or care of themselves, personal hygiene etc.

A positive policy for healthy eating is maintained at school, with an extended healthy option menu at lunchtime.

We believe that children learn best through practical experiences and active involvement in all areas of the curriculum. Children are taught to have care and consideration for themselves and others:

$1·      In the classroom

$1·      When using equipment eg scissors, tools, PE apparatus

$1·      When moving around school

$1·      When carrying out investigations eg a pond, pollution, soil studies

$1·      When on educational visits

For any physical activity, children change into appropriate clothing.  They are expected to be bare footed for indoor activities as bare feet grip better,  to wear trainers for outside activities that are undertaken on hard surfaces, for hockey and rugby they are expected to wear the studded boots in accordance with regulations. All children taking part in hockey or rugby are required to where a correctly fitted gum shield at all times with no exceptions.  It is part of our school policy that children do not wear any form of jewellery, for safety reasons.

We have a limited number of school rules, which are for safety reasons, such as walking round school, playing in sight of an adult on duty, care of property etc.

In accordance with LEA safety regulations, educational visits are carefully planned in advance, with staff visits made if possible. Details are sent to parents. Children are asked to wear appropriate clothing for the activity planned. Children in our Pre-Prep Department wear a lanyard with telephone numbers to ring if they are lost, these lanyards do not give any indication of the child’s name.  The correct adult child ratio is always followed, and a first aid kit and list of emergency phone numbers taken.

Barnardiston Hall has set procedures in case of an emergency in school, such as a fire, when the building needs to be evacuated. These drills are carried out at least once a term. All staff and children are familiar with these procedures, and know their own exit route, place of assembly and roll call procedure.

All children are taught to take care of themselves and each other, but in a school environment, accidents do occur. Most accidents in school are minor and can be dealt with by any member of staff. A fully equipped first aid box is kept in the sanatorium as is the school's accident register, accident forms and a list of any allergies children have. First aid boxes are also kept in. If the accident is more serious, the aim of the school is to get the child qualified medical attention as quickly as possible. Parents are informed straight away and, if necessary, an ambulance sent for.

Accident forms are filled in for any accident requiring professional medical attention, or caused by any defect in the school or its equipment.

The Bursar, under the direction of the Head teacher, is responsible for ensuring that the building provides a safe and healthy environment for the children. The site supervisor and maintain a clean and tidy building and grounds. Any minor repairs or maintenance are completed by the site supervisor, or through the use of authorised contractors. Any equipment/hazardous substance is kept locked away from the children. All equipment is to British Standards and is maintained regularly.

Section 1


Risk Assessments


Areas of school environment and school life that will need to have a risk assessment are:

$1·    School’s premises and grounds.

$1·    Children’s known and likely activities (both permitted and illicit).

$1·    Risks arising from the disabilities of any child at the school.

$1·    Risks arising from students not being able to appreciate the hazards for themselves.

$1·    Risk to children from public access to the school or during activities and outings

$1·    Potential for bullying and abuse within and outside the school

The following areas/activities present identified and significant risks in Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School.  As a consequence, pupils are not allowed unsupervised access to:

$1·         PE; where the Head of PE keeps risk assessments for: All outdoor games, athletics, gymnastics, dance.

$1·         Science: Where the Head of Science keeps risk assessments for all experiments, and the use and storage of equipment.  COSHH assessments and CLEAPS Hazards are kept on the use and safe storage of all chemicals.  The Science Department keeps records of all subject-specific training by teachers and technicians

$1·         Design and Technology: Where the Head of DT keeps risk assessments for all activities, the use of all equipment and machinery and the safe storage of flammables.  Records of staff training are kept.

$1·         Art:  Where the Head of Art keeps risk and COSHH assessments for the ceramic studio, the safe use and safe storage of oil based paint and other flammables.  Records of staff training are kept.

$1·         Drama: Where the Head of Drama keeps risk assessments for the lighting box, the safe construction, movement building and dismounting of scenery, props and sstaging.  Records of staff training are kept.

$1·         The Catering Department:  Where the Catering Manager keeps risk assessments for all activities, safe use and storage of equipment and flammables, COSHH procedures of chemicals and other products.  Records of staff training are kept.

$1·         Pupils are not allowed to entry to the Maintenance, Catering and Grounds Departments: where each department keeps risk assessments for its activities, safe use and storage of equipment and flammables, COSHH assessments of chemicals and other products.  Records of Staff training are kept.

Risk assessments will be carried out and kept up to date on all aspects of school life. Persons areas of responsibility are as follows:

Fire – The Bursar

Legionella – The Bursar

All rooms, corridors and exits – The Bursar

Catering and cleaning functions – The Bursar

Grounds Maintenance (including use of pesticides and COSHH) – Head Groundsman

Maintenance functions ( including working at heights, electricity, manual handling and building work, use of power tools, COSHH and flammable materials) – The Bursar/Maintenance Engineer

Asbestos Register – The Bursar/Maintenance Engineer

Reprographics Machines and copiers – The Bursar

Persons responsible for ensuring that up to date risk assessments are maintained for teaching in the following areas are:

Science (including COSHH and flammable materials) – Head of science

All outdoor games – Head of Sport (girls and boys)

Athletics – Head of Athletics

Dance and Gymnastics – Head of Sport and gymnastics coach

Art – (including COSHH and flammable materials) (Head of Art)

Music – Head of Music

Design and Technology (including COSHH flammable materials) – Head of DT

All Outdoor lessons – Director of Studies

All visits and trip- individual organiser overseen by the Bursar

Drama – School

Barnardiston Hall uses the ‘5 steps to Risk Assessment’ format issued by the H.S.E. for risk assessment within the department.

The 5 steps are:

1 Look for the hazards

2 Decide who might be harmed and how

3 Evaluate the risks and decide whether existing precautions are adequate or whether more could be done.

4 Record your findings

5 Review your assessment and revise it if necessary.

To facilitate the assessments a list of activities, both known and likely, has been compiled and a separate assessment is done for each activity. The completed assessments are to be found in the folder in the duty room labeled ‘Risk Assessments’.  All activities that are deemed to carry a greater risk are to be at the discretion of the Head of Care. Trained qualified instructors are to supervise these activities. (See below)


Special risk activities


The NCSC believe that it is likely that Licensing is to be required where a commercial company or local authority provides activities such as - Camping, canoeing, caving and potholing, climbing, flying, gliding parachuting, ballooning, parascending and hang gliding, hill walking and mountaineering, horse riding and pony trekking, orienteering, sailing, surfing, sea swimming, snorkelling, sub aqua, windsurfing, trampoline.

Before engaging in the any of the above activities the following points should be


$1·         Experience and expertise of staff

$1·         Age and ability of students

$1·         The activity undertaken and the risks involved

$1·         The remoteness of the area in which the activity is taking place.

Areas not related to the building or site will be identified termly at staff meetings or when new materials, equipment or procedures are to be used.

If available Barnardiston Hall also uses the services of the Local Community Police Officer to provide information and give talks to the students on areas such as ‘Stranger Danger’, bullying, both on site and in the community.

Specific risks that are posed by student behaviour are detailed in the students’ behaviour management plan. This will detail the behaviour, when the behaviour occurs, what may trigger the behaviour and what is the agreed response to control the behaviour. All parties involved with the student compile the Behaviour Plan. The Behaviour Management plan is found in the students’ main school file in office and a copy is to be found in the student’s personal file in the staff resources room.

If the students’ needs dictate, a further physical intervention plan will be drawn up with risk assessments having being completed for those pupils who have to be rarely held in a physical intervention.


Section 2




The responsibility for organising (and maintaining records of training) is as follows:

Minibus/coach training – Transport Manager

Science – related health and safety training – Head of Science

Design and Technology Training – Head of DT

Health and Safety and Hygiene training – Bursar

Briefing new pupils on emergency fire procedures – All pastoral staff

Briefing new staff in fire safety – The Bursar

Inducting  new staff in Health and Safety – The Deputy Head and The Bursar

Identifying specific health and safety training needs of staff – All Heads of Departments.

First Aid training – The School nurse.


Section 3


External Advisors for Health and Safety


At Barnardiston Hall we use external consultants to advise us on matters of health and safety within the school.

Engineers monitor and service the schools plant, equipment, including boilers annually.

The school’s adherence to health and safety in catering and cleaning is subject to external inspection by the Environment Health Officer (EHO). 

The school has a contract with a local pest control company (Command Pest Control), who visit monthly to monitor and control pests in all areas of the school.

The whole of the schools health and safety measures are audited annually.

The school has a professional risk assessment for legionella every 3years (carried out by Initial Rentokil Hygiene and a monthly water temperature testing is in place.

The School has current electrical test certificates for all its buildings.  It uses NICEIC qualified Electrical engineers to inspect and maintain its electrical installations (all of which are RCB Protected and meet the requirements of BS7671 IEE wiring regulations).

All work on gas appliances is carried out by registered GAS Safe Engineers.

A qualified Planning Supervisor is used in order to ensure compliance with the Construction (Design and Management) (CDM) regulations 1994 whenever major work is undertaken.


Section 4


Fire Safety


Risk Assessments


The risk assessment will:

$1·   Identify all potential fire hazards, reducing them wherever possible.

$1·   Assess the likelihood of fire occurring.

$1·   Consider whether anyone is especially at risk and the consequences of a fire on everyone present; and

$1·   Decide whether fire safety measures are adequate or need improving.

$1·   The assessment is to be completed by looking at the school as a whole.  The assessment will be undertaken by a competent member of staff.

$1·   The assessments will be reviewed yearly.



Keeping fire routes and exits clear is the responsibility of the Bursar.

Ensuring that flammable rubbish and combustible materials are stored away from the

buildings is the responsibility of the Head Groundsman.

Switching off all kitchen equipment at the end of service is the responsibility of the Head Cook, or the senior person on duty.

All Gas appliances are regularly maintained and serviced by Gas Safe Registered Engineers

Barnardiston Hall have half termly fire evacuation Practices for the Pre Prep children and Termly practices in the Prep School children, these are combined with a programme of inducting new staff and pupils with emergency escape procedures and the presence of fire marshals in every building help to ensure that the school can be safely evacuated in the event of a fire.

Setting all computers, projectors, printers and electronic whiteboards to switch off automatically every evening and during holidays and weekends is the responsibility of the Head of IT.

Checking that all scientific and DT equipment is switched off at the end of the school day is the responsibility of each department head.

Fire Inspections


Fire inspections are no longer carried out periodically by the local Fire and Rescue Services. It is incumbent on the School to ensure that the responsible person has carried out a fire risk assessment and maintained appropriate fire precautions 

The school is committed to maintaining the highest possible level of safety within the school. It is everyone’s responsibility to be vigilant at all times and to report concerns at the earliest possible moment.


Fire Drill and evacuation from premises


The Bursar is responsible for fire evacuation drills and arrangements.

All evacuations are logged in the ‘H & S Fire File’ found in the Bursar’s Office.

The following practices are designed to minimize risk within the School.

During the School day

A daily register of all students present on the premises is to be kept in the school office.

As soon as the fire alarm sounds all children and adults must stop what they are doing and walk out of the building through the nearest exit.

Unless informed otherwise, all pupils and staff must evacuate all buildings.

In classrooms


All children should leave the classrooms in an orderly fashion leaving bags, coats and books behind and proceed to the unfenced tennis area.  Teachers should ensure that all children have left the classroom before closing the doors and windows and making their own way to the Fire Assembly Point.


Mr Tim Dodgson


Upon ascertaining that there is a fire, Mr Dodgson will call the Fire Brigade or will delegate this responsibility to a member of staff.


In the Main House


On hearing the alarm


Teaching Staff


Any Teachers teaching in the main house should assist any nearby children to the nearest fire exit and should then proceed themselves towards the Fire Assembly Point.


All other Adults


All other personnel working in the house will meet at the bottom of the main staircase.

A Gregory will coordinate who searches what part of the house.  One member of staff will proceed to check each floor without taking any risk of endangering their own lives. When checking dormitories staff should check each bed carefully (including below if applicable) whilst also calling out “is anyone in here?”  When positive that the room is empty the door should then be closed and the next dormitory should be checked.  Cupboards should also be checked.  Any children found should be directed to the nearest Fire Exit.

One person will be delegated to take the registers to the assembly point.

A Gregory will then check the  fire panel to check which zone the fire is in and will go to that zone to check, warning the staff clearing the building.

When the staff are certain that their area is clear they will make their way to the bottom of the main staircase, when everyone has returned they will make their way to the assembly point.

In the case of Mrs Gregory being absent Mrs Gundersen will coordinate.

In the case of both Mrs Gregory and Mrs Gundersen being absent Mrs Seeley will coordinate.

As soon as it has been ascertained that there is a fire the Coordinator will call the Fire Brigade.


When every room has been cleared, staff should meet at the front door of the main house before proceeding to the Fire Assembly Point.  All members of staff will, as soon as possible, report to the senior member of staff at the Assembly Point, what action they have taken and the result thereof.

At the Assembly Point


Upon arrival at the Fire Assembly Point, all children should line up in form/class order and their register taken by the form/class teacher.  When all registers have been taken either Mr Dodgson or Mr. Whittles (Deputy Head) should be immediately informed should any child be missing.  A senior member of staff at the Fire Assembly Point will initiate a search for any missing persons without endangering their own lives and ensure that Mr T Dodgson and Mr Whittles is informed of the position.

Only when it has been confirmed, by either Mr Dodgson or the next senior member of staff, that there is no fire can anyone make their way back into the school buildings.


Lunchtime Fire Procedure


$1·      All staff members on duty in the playground shall, on hearing the fire alarm, guide all children together away from the building to the Fire Assembly Point and ensure no child re-enters the buildings.

$1·      Staff members on duty in the dining area shall evacuate all children from the building and ensure on the way out that any toilets are vacated.

$1·      The Head teacher or Deputy Head teacher will ensure, as far as it is reasonably practicable, that the rest of the building is vacated.

Only when it has been confirmed, by either Mr Dodgson or the next senior member of staff, that there is no fire can anyone make their way back into the school buildings.

Boarding Arrangements evenings and weekends


Mr T Dodgson is responsible for fire evacuation drills and arrangements.

All evacuations are logged in the ‘H & S Fire File’ found in the Bursar’s Office.

The following practices are designed to minimize risk within the boarding department.

A register will be taken at supper time to check if there are any extra day children staying late or occasional boarding then again at bed time.

All personnel on duty will meet at the bottom of the main staircase.

The senior member on duty will coordinate who searches what part of the house and will delegate one person to set off the alarm in the Prep School and take the fire book to the assembly point.

The senior member on duty will then check the  fire panel to check which zone the fire is in and will go to that zone to check, warning the staff clearing the building.

When the staff are certain that their area is clear they will make their way to the bottom of the main staircase, when everyone has returned they will make their way to the assembly point.

Symbolised fire evacuation signs are situated throughout the boarding houses and fire action notices are posted in all dormitories.

A register of all children boarding each night is kept in the House Master’s/Mistress’s bedroom.

All practice evacuations are recorded in the ‘H & S fire’ file, which is kept in the Bursar’s Office.

All boarding staff is made aware of fire evacuation procedures on arrival.

Fire evacuation procedures are discussed with the boarding students at least once every half term and individual learning problems are taken into account using symbols, pictures and signing, where necessary.

Fire drills are carried out at least twice every half term and include 1 drill at night.


Boarding Arrangements night times


Live in Staff


On hearing the alarm staff living in the house will clear all the dormitories on their floor,

Guiding each person tothe Assembly Point

They should entereach room, call out and physically pat each bed to check that it is empty

and open each cupboard to check for frightened children.  When they are sure that the

 dormitory is empty they should close the door behind them.

When all the dormitories on the floor are empty they should proceed to the assembly point.


House Master/Senior on Duty


The House Master/Senior on duty should proceed to the fire panel to check which zone

the fire is, they will safely check the zone to ascertain whether there is in fact a fire, letting

any members of staff know where it is.  If there is a fire they will call the Fire Brigade and

proceed to the Assembly Point with the Fire Book



Student Related Issues


If in the unlikely case a student may needed to be removed physically from the premises in the event of a fire. This will be done using the school’s intervention policy, protocols and guidance. This is always for the student’s own protection. Those students thought to be at special risk have an entry in any behaviour management document (see Key Personnel, below), an entry in the student file and are made known to staff at staff briefing / handover.

In the event of a Student exhibiting challenging behaviour and refusing to leave the premises, the staff member will assess the level of immediate danger and call for assistance, if thought safe to do so.  At no time should the staff members put themselves at risk.  If the student continues to be challenging and is thought to be putting staff at risk of injury, by fire or violence then the staff members are to return to the fire assembly point and inform the Fire & Rescue Services immediately on their arrival.


Whilst not an issue at present, special arrangements may be needed for students who have an additional sensory loss i.e. visual or hearing. Similarly moving and handling protocols may override other considerations when evacuation of physically disabled students is being considered.


Testing and Servicing Equipment

The Alarm System;

The Alarm system is tested and maintained by Service engineers to British Standards as detailed in the ‘Fire Alarm System’ Log Book, to be found in the Bursar’s office. The system is serviced, tested and maintained as part of the whole school contract.

In addition to the above the system is checked as follows by the Bursar


            Check system is operational by-

$1·    Visual check of control panel indicating normal functioning.

$1·    Record any faults indicated in Log book.

$1·    Take immediate action to rectify.

$1·    Check log book for recorded faults and take immediate action to rectify.


           Check system is operational by-

$1·    One break glass call point or smoke/heat detector is operated on a zone circuit. Testing the systems ability to send & receive a signal and sound the alarm.

$1·    A different zone is activated each week.

$1·    All faults are recorded in the log book and immediate action taken to rectify any faults.



Fire extinguishers.

In the Boarding Department Fire Extinguishers consist of Water and CO2  extinguishers, and Fire Blankets. These items are serviced as part of the whole school program.



$1·    Fire risk assessment:  Bursar

$1·    Fire Drill and Evacuation Procedures: Mr T Dodgson

$1·    Testing and Servicing Equipment: UK Fire International


Alarm system:

      Daily/Weekly checks: Bursar

      Drills/Evacuation procedures: Bursar / Mr T Dodgson

Quarterly/Annual maintenance inspection:  (Whole School contracted Service Engineers)CB Electrical (UK) Ltd, SC Fire


Emergency Batteries:

      Monthly/Weekly Checks: Bursar

Annual Maintenance Inspection: (Contracted Service Engineers.)

$1·    Torches: Mr T Dodgson

$1·    Fire Extinguishers: Bursar

(Whole school contracted Service Engineers)

Section 5


Water, drainage etc


The Bursar and the maintenance engineer are responsible for:

Maintaining water quality. A sampling regime, using external contractors, (Rentokil) is in place.

Ensuring that drains, gutters etc are kept unblocked.  Checking that all drain runs are clear (using external contractors if necessary).

All accessible hot water outlets have mixers to ensure a constant supply of warm water. Water temperature is tested and recorded by the Bursar each month and temperatures are recorded in the ‘water’ file which is held in the Bursar’s Office.

Chlorine cleaning on all hot and cold water systems are carried out on a yearly basis.

Section 6


Electrical Safety


It is the responsibility of the bursar to ensure that Barnardiston Hall have current electrical installation certificates. And that all portable electrical equipment is tested annually, a record is kept and a ‘pass’ sticker is fixed to each appliance passed.  Equipment not passing the inspection is to be immediately withdrawn from use until full repairs have been undertaken and a second test made.  In the residential department students are not permitted to bring electrical equipment in to school from home unless it has been tested for safety as part of the annual school electrical appliance safety check



Section 7


Asbestos monitoring


An external Asbestos survey has been carried out at Barnardiston Hall, and a register of all asbestos found is kept in the bursary.  Any asbestos deemed a slight risk has been removed by a reputable asbestos removal company (Cambridge Asbestos removal) and a register of any asbestos still on site is kept in the bursary, and has been given out to all persons who may at any time be required to work near.  The Bursar is responsible for ensuring that it is kept up to date and for any sampling or removal before major works takes place.  She is also responsible for making sure that contractors are fully briefed on areas of asbestos before starting work.


Section 8


Smoking Policy


  • Smoking is the single most preventable cause of premature death and ill-health in our society.
  • Passive smoking – breathing other people’s tobacco smoke – is also potentially fatal.  It has been shown to cause lung cancer, as well as many other illnesses, in non-smokers.
  • Smoking is a health and safety issue for all adults who use the school: staff and parents.
  • Everyone has the right to breathe clean air, and non-smokers are in the majority.
  • Schools have a major role to play in working towards non-smoking being seen as the norm in society.
  • Children need to receive consistent messages and require non-smoking role models within the school.

It is the intention of the Headmaster of Barnardiston Hall that it will be a totally smoke – free school.

Restrictions on smoking


In accordance with Smoke free (premises and enforcement) Regulations 2006 smoking is not allowed in any school buildings.

It is School policy that smoking is only allowed in one designated outside area, which is situated out of site of children. Smoking by teaching and non-teaching staff is allowed only in this area.



The smoking policy applies to all visitors to the school – for example: parents, suppliers, supply or temporary staff and maintenance personnel.  The following arrangements have been made for informing visitors of the policy’s existence:


  • Clearly worded signs will be sited to announce the policy.
  • Staff members will inform visitors of the policy when necessary.


Implementing and monitoring


This policy will be reviewed annually to ensure that it continues to meet the general principle.

Effective date


This policy is effective from 1 April 2007


Section 9


Hazard and Defect Reporting


All defects and hazards relating to the school buildings and grounds should be reported immediately to the Bursar. The defect/hazard should also be entered in a Maintenance book, which is kept in the Bursar’s Office The necessary work will then be actioned. The Bursar is responsible for monitoring the progress on all items reported.

Section 10


Vehicle movements


Car Parking


Car parking and vehicle movements on site are the responsibility of the bursar.


Car parking is a concern at Barnardiston Hall as it is a hazard for those who use the school. It is also a hazard for neighbours who live within the vicinity of the school. Drivers parking cars at the school, near it or dropping or collecting children at the school should at all times have consideration for the safety of pedestrians and other road users.

Regular letters to parents emphasise the following:

$1·      Care of our neighbours

$1·      Areas and times when parking is permitted

$1·      Any school events ( parking attendants will be on duty to instruct drivers where to park )

Personal contact with any adult who continually parks in an obstructive way (by Head Teacher or Bursar). All comments by parents or neighbours will be

followed up.

Movement of any vehicles around the school grounds is a concern as it is a hazard to staff and children.


Parents and staff are regularly reminded of the following:

$1·    Speed at which they should be driving in the school grounds

$1·    Areas that are open to traffic throughout the school day

Delivery vehicles


All regular delivery vehicles are informed of the following:


$1·   Deliveries should not be made between:

        8.15 and 8.45 am,

     10.15 and 11.00am

        4.00 and 5.00pm

All delivery vehicles:


$1·    Upon arrival drivers of large vehicles should enter the grounds through the second entrance, park up and report to the main house, a designated person will then ‘walk’ the vehicle to it’s destination.

$1·   Drivers are to abide by a 5mph speed limit.


Maintenance vehicles


Tractors and ride on mowers are only to be driven by designated staff that is aware of the safety procedures around the school.


School passenger vehicles


Ensuring the school vehicles are properly maintained and road worthy is the responsibility of the Transport Manager.


$1·    School minibuses and coaches will only be driven by holders of a PSV license.

$1·    Children being transported will be accompanied by the correct children to adult ratio.

$1·    Nursery children are to use the front facing car seats provided.

$1·    According to Government guidelines all children, traveling in cars, who are under 135cm and under the age of 12 must use the appropriate child restraint, either their own or one provided by the school.

Rules of behaviour on school vehicles


$1·      Wear seat belts.

$1·      Remain seated at all times unless instructed otherwise by the driver.

$1·      No throwing of objects from the vehicle.

$1·      No obstruction of gangways or exits with belongings.

$1·      Do not cause excessive noise and thereby distracting the driver.

$1·      Do not speak to or distract the driver unless in an emergency or when the vehicle has stopped.

$1·      Do not trail scarves or other items from the vehicle.

See risk assessment number O1 for outings on buses/coaches.

Section 11


Children Moving Equipment


In the normal day to day running of the school, there are certain situations where children will need to move equipment or items of furniture. For example:

$1·      Chairs and/or tables

$1·      Sports equipment

$1·      Small items of equipment

Children must always be supervised when moving any equipment or item of furniture. Some items they will need to move may be heavy or awkward to handle. Children need to be shown how to lift and carry safely. This needs reinforcing on regular occasions.


PE and Sports Equipment


When using large apparatus, children must be trained in how to move, lift and set out each piece of apparatus. This includes how to lift correctly, and how many children are needed for moving each piece of equipment (this should include how to bend), for example netball posts – one child at each end.



Chairs should be moved one at a time, and children must be shown how to carry them correctly. They may carry single chairs on their own. If children are asked to move a stack of chairs then the chair stacker must be used. If a large number of chairs are needed then the Site Supervisor will supervise.

Tables need one child at each end, a child must not attempt to lift a table on his or her own.

The PA system must only be moved and set up under adult supervision.

Small items of equipment include tape players, CD players, PE trolleys etc. These can be moved freely by the children.

Always make sure when any item of equipment or furniture is being moved from one room to another, that there is another child available to open and close doors.

Items Children Should Not Move


$1·      Computers – monitors can easily fall off trolleys, or wires get caught

$1·      Piano – although on wheels, it can tip, and feet or fingers become trapped

$1·      Cooker – too heavy and awkward

$1·      Paper cutters – sharp blade although on wheels, can tip

$1·      Staging






Section 12




Class teacher

It is the responsibility of the class teacher to make sure that their classroom is secure, windows closed and equipment switched off before leaving the premises.



It is the responsibility of the bursar to check daily that:

$1·      All locks and catches are in working order

$1·      The emergency lighting is working

$1·    All windows on the first floor and above are fitted with opening restrictors. Their effectiveness is assessed weekly

$1·    All CCTV cameras/ recording equipment is in working order and serviced annually.

$1·    To prevent unsupervised access by pupils to potentially dangerous areas, such as the science laboratory and design and technology areas, working with the heads of departments.

$1·    Controlling lone working after hours.

Head Teacher/Deputy Head Teacher

It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to perform the above functions in the absence of the Bursar.

In addition, the Head Teacher is responsible for the security of the premises during the

School day.

It is the responsibility of the Head Teacher to lock the premises (both the school and the Boarding House, each night.




Fences and gates have been erected all around the area used by the Pre Prep children for the purposes of stopping the children from wondering off, keeping them away from any vehicles and making them fully aware of their boundaries.

Key pad locks have been put on all entrances giving access to early years children; this is for the purposes of stopping intruders entering and stopping children from leaving the buildings without the help of a member of staff.  Each door leading onto the back staircase of the pre prep department has an alarm These will alert any member of staff if one of the early years children try to exit through these entrances and similarly if an intruder enters.

A visitor’s book for all visitors to the school is kept in the school office. All visitors to the school are to report to the school office and complete the book and will be issued with a lanyard, which should be worn for the duration of their visit.  Visitors are to be aware of the emergency evacuation procedures details of which are posted at numerous locations around the school.  Staff are expected to challenge politely anyone in school they do not recognise and is not wearing identification.  Students who are attending off site activities, such as dentist appointments and are to be collected from the School Office by a parent or other pre-nominated person letting the School secretary know that he/she is leaving the premises. No student is to leave the premises with an unidentified other.


All parents and other adults are requested, when bringing children to school, or collecting them afterwards, to walk round the outside of the premises so that the children are able to enter or exit the school by the correct door, with the exception of boarders leaving the house with parents after signing out.

These points must be adhered to, but in no way detract from the open door policy of the school.


Contractors on Site


$1·    At Barnardiston Hall, only known or relevantly qualified contractors or those assessed to being capable are engaged to work on the premises.

$1·      Contractors are encouraged to telephone and make appropriate arrangements prior to visiting the school. They must either contact the Head Teacher or Bursar.

$1·      All contractors must report to the general office where they will sign in the visitors book. The Bursar will then be informed of their arrival

$1·      Contractors will work under close supervision of the Bursar so as not to endanger the health and safety of children or adults in school

$1·      Any equipment that contractors bring into school must be stored in a safe place away from corridors, classrooms, or any areas used by adults or children

$1·      If contractors are working near the children's play areas, then all equipment and machinery must be cleared away during this time, and the contractors must leave the area

All work will be monitored by the Bursar and any concerns reported to the Head Teacher, and the contractor concerned.

NB See sheet overleaf to be given to contractors.

Guidance for Contractors on Site


With regard to Health and Safety we ask you to refrain from:

$1·      Smoking in the building or in the grounds as we are a no-smoking school

$1·      Talking to the children (our children are asked not to talk to strangers)

$1·      Moving vehicles when children are at play

$1·      Working on or near the playgrounds when the children are at play

$1·      Leaving equipment around

$1·      Playing music during school hours

If you have any problems, please see the Head Teacher or Bursar.

End of the school day


Children in the Pre-Prep will only be released to nominated persons.  The names of these nominated persons are to be entered onto a spreadsheet at the beginning of each term.  If for any reason a different person is needed to pick up, then the parent of the child must notify the school by either letter or telephone.  No child will be released to anyone other than the nominated person.  A copy of the letter sent to parents, and instructions on how to fill in and use the spreadsheet for the requested nominated persons is shown on the after this page.


Use of Hazardous Substances in School

All substances which may be hazardous are kept in a locked store.

Any staff ordering chemicals must only order those covered by the COSSH register.

Any member of staff using chemicals must:

$1·      Check the substance against the COSSH register

$1·      Follow procedures laid down for use

$1·      Be aware of procedures for avoiding exposure and for control

$1·      Inform the Head Teacher or Deputy Head Teacher of any difficulties

Barnardiston Hall School follows the guidance on the Control of Substances Hazardous to Health as detailed from the Health and Safety Executive.  The responsibility for compliance with the COSHH assessment rests with the Head teacher who may delegate responsibility for carrying out the assessment to the Bursar or staff involved in using such substances.

COSHH data sheets will be requested from the schools suppliers and, once assessed will be kept in the Health and Safety file in the Bursar’s office. Substances that are covered by COSHH are classed as:

$1·    Very toxic,

$1·    Toxic,

$1·    Harmful,

$1·    Irritant,

$1·    Corrosive

At Barnardiston Hall School the above substances are to be found in:

$1·    Cleaning materials

$1·    Medicines

$1·    Spillage of body fluids, e.g. vomit, faeces, blood, urine

$1·    Scientific chemicals

 Bleach is only kept on the premises in small quantities and is kept locked away.

All Medicines are kept in locked cabinets.

Body fluids are disposed by flushing. If this is not possible then items are double bagged. This is then collected and disposed by special collection in the normal manner.

Sharps: syringe needles are placed in a proper sharps box and are disposed of in a manner.

There is a designated area on the school site for the disposal of waste. The waste bins are covered and are emptied once a week. In the event of there being an excess of waste, arrangements will be made for an additional refuse collection. Waste is not to be left around the school. Special waste, including glass, fluorescent tubes, broken furniture is disposed of separately. Such waste is reported to the Handyman who will assume responsibility for it’s disposal.


Section 13

Off site visits


TheDfE publication Health and Safety of Children on Educational Visits advises staff: pupil ratios for organised trips away from the school site of one member of staff per 3-4 children aged 2-4, one member of staff per 5-6 children aged 5 -8, one member of staff per 10-15 Children aged 8-10, one member of staff per 15-20 boarders aged 11 and over, increased to one per 10 boarders for trips abroad or overnight stays. The school would be expected to exceed these ratios if the safety and welfare of the pupils required it.

The staff has a duty of care to the students in their charge. The agencies view of a Duty Of Care is “loco parentis.”All students are to be encouraged to be involved in off site visits, unless their behaviour record is such that staff cannot assume reasonable co-operation or be confident about exercising appropriate control.  Visits that are arranged by staff to take the students out of school must conform to the agreed protocols: All staff planning on an activity off the school premises are to inform the School Office detailing which students are to be off the premises, what the destination is, time of leaving, time of return and in which vehicle they are travelling in, A risk assessment is completed for each trip using the ‘5 steps to risk assessments’ method.  (Refer to section 1 of this H & S Policy)

Staff undertaking visits must carry with them any medication that the student may require and emergency contact numbers.

Occasionally parents will be invited to accompany their children on trips with overnight stays.  In each case they will be required to complete a CRB police check.

Students involved in off site visits are to wear I.D Badges detailing the school telephone number.  Students involved in the outing are listed in the School Office.

A count of the students is made at regular intervals.

 If a student/s is/are discovered as missing then a search of the area is taken by the member of staff. If the missing student is not located then the staff member should:

$1·   Notify the police and provide them as precise a description of the student/s as possible, the last known whereabouts of the student/s and supply the police with any other details they may require.

$1·   Notify the Duty manager at the school and act on any instructions.

$1·   The Duty manager will notify the student’s parents.

The Member of staff initiating the search should remain in situ. until the police or assistance from school arrives, in case the missing student/s should return.

Staff on visits should have access to a mobile phone.  All visits off site will have a separate risk assessment these are held in the Bursar’s office.  Parental permission is obtained from parents/guardians for any trips off site other than school matches, details of these are to found on specific notice boards.


In the boarding department specific parental permission is obtained for:

$1·         Visits to countries abroad

$1·         Visits to U.K. destinations lasting more than 24 hours

$1·         Visits involving a special risk( Although the school refrains from participated in any high risk activities).

Be aware of the standard of behaviour that is expected as a pupil of Barnardiston Hall School.


Section 14

Missing children


This very rarely happens but complacency is a hazard we must avoid at all costs.  The welfare of children in our care is paramount.  Children may go missing and EVERY member of staff has equal responsibility in ensuring the safety of the children and knowing where they are.


Systems in place to minimise the risk of children going missing -

Appropriate steps are taken to ensure that the premises and surrounding site is secure. 

The attendance register is taken at the start of each session and sent to the main office. It is the responsibility of every member of staff to be aware of how many children are present and a quick head count should be taken at intervals during each session.  Children who arrive late must be recorded in the register and those who leave early should be marked out accordingly.

Teachers of new children should take extra care to be aware of their whereabouts and ensure they know the boundaries of where they can and cannot go.  Parents will be advised of our security procedures and be given the opportunity to discuss any concerns, particularly if their child has an adventurous nature.

Parents must be made aware of the need for supervision of children at all times, especially while waiting for the teacher to arrive in the classroom.  It is their responsibility to ensure that their child’s arrival is noted.

Children should be counted before going out to play and again when they are lining up to come back indoors.  A member of staff should be at the end of the line to ensure no children are left outside.  Once inside it must be ascertained that the correct number of children are still present.

In the event of a child being found to be missing it is vital that prompt action is taken. 


Procedure during the School Day

$1·   The missing child (children) should be identified and the last known whereabouts recorded. (The chances of finding a missing child safe are greatest if the child’s absence is noted as soon as possible. Staff must be vigilant in ensuring that children in their classes or those allocated to them for a particular session are present)

$1·   The senior member of staff present will arrange for the other children to be satisfactorily supervised(The remaining children should be gathered together for a story time/Assembly.  Without alarming them, the children should be asked if they have seen the missing child.

$1·    A systematic search will be carried out to see if the child can be located in the surrounding area. 

$1·    All classrooms, all toilets, under tables, anywhere a child might hide 

$1·    Outside areas including play houses, trim trail, adventure playground

$1·    Check all exits for where a child may have been able to leave the premises or site

$1·    All CCTV should be checked

$1·    The school grounds, Prep-School, Main House, playing fields, car park and check inside the school.  Enlist the help of school office staff to search the school and maintenance staff to continue searching the school grounds

The staff member in charge will then inform –

$1·    The parents/carers of the child – alarming them as little as possible.  If they do not answer the phone, a message must be left on any answering service before attempting alternative numbers.  However if parents do not answer the home phone number the POLICE must be called before attempting other child contact numbers.  If contacted parents should be advised to stay at home in case the child arrives there; be advised that we are contacting the emergency services and that a member of staff is searching the route the child may take home.  Parents should be asked for information of anywhere else the child may head for.  E.g. grandparents, other relatives.

$1·   The Police and/or any other emergency services – The police have the resources to conduct a search and speed is important

$1·   The Local Children Safeguarding Authority- Will need to be informed

$1·   The appropriate OFSTED officer – they will need to know our systems for preventing this occurrence and what happened.  It is important that the senior officer in charge keeps a record of even

$1·   Check route home (If the child cannot be located a member(s) of staff should search along a possible route the child might take to get home.  Where able, they should take a mobile phone to keep in contact.  If a member of staff arrives at the house without finding the child they should make contact with the school for further instructions.)

$1·    A record of events should be logged in the Incident Book by the senior teacher in charge or by another member of staff delegated by them.

$1·    Informing other people

As soon as possible after the incident the following people should be notified-

$1·   the group’s insurance company

$1·   ALL parents

$1·   Dealing with reactions

It is natural that the child’s parents will be frightened, distressed and angry.  Other parents will be rightly concerned for the safety of their own children.  The staff will also be shocked and upset at any lapse in security.  All emotions and reactions must be dealt with in a caring and understanding way.  However, until the situation has been fully investigated by all parties, staff must refer any parent and media enquiries to the headmaster.

For Full Policy please refer to the Missing Child Policy







Section 15

Violence towards staff


The most common form of violence towards staff is that caused by aggressive pupil behaviour arising out of their specific needs.  Staff should be aware of those pupils who are likely to exhibit aggressive behaviour.

Any concerns about a violent incidence occurring will be discussed with the staff member involved, if possible the student and parents, the Head of Pastoral Care, the Headmaster, Colleagues and Together a strategy will be formulated covering:

$1·    Any known ‘triggers’ to the behaviour occurring.

$1·    How to respond to violence, in particular responding to physical contact and the use of restraint techniques.

$1·    Staff will be expected to have read both behaviour management and physical intervention plans.

$1·    Any equipment that may be needed (panic buttons, attack alarm, mobile phones)

$1·    An exit strategy for those at risk.

If thought necessary a Behaviour Management Plan will be actioned and a risk assessment carried out. In all cases of a student needing to be physically restrained a physical intervention plan will be drawn up in conjunction with the schools physical intervention policy.   

Violence to staff from pupils is never condoned and the possibility of suspension for the purposes of ‘cooling off’ is reserved.

Aggressive incidents are reported in writing. Incidents are monitored by the Head teacher and the Deputy Head who will then decide on any preventative measures.

After a violent incident involving both pupils and staff, an opportunity to debrief on the situation should be given.

Any injuries are to be reported using the accident reporting procedures.

Violence towards staff from an annoyed parent is another possibility. In this instance the staff member must use their judgment to decide when a situation is becoming aggressive.

$1·      They should not confront the aggressor.

$1·      They should make sure that a third person is available

$1·      They should call for assistance if necessary


If violence is threatened or perpetrated then the police should be called immediately


Section 16


Dealing with Health and Safety Emergencies


a) Electrical, Gas and Water Supply Failure & Leaks

In the event of loss of electrical supply boarding has the use of an Emergency lighting system which uses batteries and should last for approx. 2hrs.

In the event of heating failure then additional bed clothing would be made available. If the failure is expected to be sustained a decision would be made with respect to the students will be sent home.

In the event of gas or chemical leak staff should:

$1·       Inform the senior on duty.

$1·       Determine the source of the leak.

$1·       Move students away from source of leak.


The senior on call will:

$1·      Take action to stop leak

$1·      If leak is serious sound fire alarm

$1·      Supervise emergency evacuation

$1·         Telephone Transco.

In the event of failure to the gas supply this would impact on the heating system, hot water supply, and catering arrangements. The heating system protocols would be as above. The students would not bathe or shower, but have to have cold washes in the short term, and external arrangements for supplying food would be made. Long-term disruption necessitate returning students to their homes Loss of water supply for duration of 2hrs or more would necessitate the use of an emergency supply. In the event of an emergency supply not being available arrangements would be made to contact the student’s homes with a view to them going home.

Bomb Alerts


In the event of a bomb alert, the Head Teacher or person designated must:

$1·      Ring the fire alarm to activate the evacuation of the premises of all adults and children

(see fire drill procedure)

$1·      Phone 999 for the fire brigade and police

$1·      Check that the evacuation procedure has been followed

$1·      Remain at the front of the school to meet the fire brigade/police and direct them to the incident

$1·      All children and adults must remain outside

$1·      Only when the all clear has been given will children and adults be able to re-enter the premises


Missing Students


See detailed information contained within missing students policy




All legitimate visitors to the School would be either known to staff members or wear a visitor badge. Anyone not wearing a badge and is not recognised should be challenged by a member staff.  If a person is acting suspiciously or trying to avoid contact with staff, or is carrying a weapon he/she should not be approached. The member of staff spotting the intruder should alert the School Office or the Headmaster. The police should be contacted immediately.  If an intruder is present and cannot be safely apprehended staff should make every effort to keep the students safe. Students should not be gathered in one place but should be accompanied by staff in small groups to rooms away from the public access routes through the school, these would most likely be the students living areas in the residential department.


Section 17


Administration of Medicines

Barnardiston Hall School has a policy for the administration of medicines. It details administration of medicines by staff and also the self- administration of medicines by students. A copy of the policy is to be found within the Sanitorium.

For students involved in the self-administration of medication, compliance monitoring records and consent forms will be found in the student’s health file, a copy is to be found in the student’s personal file.

All medicines in the residential department are kept in secure, locked cabinets.

Full records are kept of medicines received and administered.

Household remedies that are provided by the school are done so with agreement of the school’s medical advisor. The School Medical Advisor is Sister S. Durrant and Dr N Selby.

Staff are aware of those students needing rectal diazepam and are trained to administer the drug. Staff are aware of those students needing special applicators such as inhalers, epipens and injections and are trained in their use.

Staff are aware of the students individual rights to hold and self-administer medicines and are also aware that safety must take precedence.


Section 18


First Aid


The School Nurse is the designated person in charge of ensuring the correct procedures

are in place regarding accidents and administering first aid.


In the Residential Department all designated first aiders hold a St Johns Ambulance first aid in schools Certificate.

Mr P Whittles and Sister S Durrant are currently the appointed first-aiders for the night shift.

In the Residential department First Aid boxes are situated in the Surgery.

A first aid kit is provided for all school outings and a further Kit is kept on each of the School minibuses/coaches.

The schools policy describes the protocols for the supply, storage, administration, recording, staff responsibilities with respect to the administration of policies.


The students at the school are registered with a G.P. Locally to the school, if the child falls ill at home they are seen as temporary residents.

 First Aid in school


All staff, both teaching and non-teaching are responsible for dealing with minor incidents requiring first aid.

During lesson time first aid is administered by the class teacher, nursery nurse or non-teaching assistant. If an accident occurs in the playground and first aid is required, then one

of the staff on duty in the playground should come to the staff room and request the assistance of the first aider as appropriate.

If there is any concern about the first aid, which should be administered, then the qualified first aiders must be consulted.

The qualified first aiders are:

Sister S Durrant                          

Mrs K Seeley                              Mrs D Clifton                              Mrs C Fuller     

Miss S Dowsett                           Mrs K Gurney                             Mrs E Dodgson

Mrs A Jessop                               Mrs L White                               Mr J Winter

Mrs L MacRae                            Mrs H Hart                                 Mrs P Turner

Mr D Roach                                Mrs L Misson                             Mrs W Smith                               

Mr M Beaton                              Mr P Whittles (FAW)                 Mr T Dodgson

Mrs A Mansfield                        Mrs R Whitehead                        Mrs K Egan

Mrs C Gilliar                              Mrs M Statham                          Mr T Clifton                                                                                                                            

Mr H Wilcox (FAW)                  Mrs D Bavester                          Mr J Clifton                 

Mr P Conway (FAW)                 Mrs E Cornish                            Mr D Gamble (FAW)

Miss J Grant                                Miss K Riley                              Mr N Robinson (FAW)

Mrs V Rozier                               Mr M Hand


Qualified nursery/early years first aiders are:

Mrs J West                                  Mrs A Dobson

Mrs A Tuer                                 Mrs C Arrowsmith

Mrs R Richardson                      Miss D Smith

Sun Protection


$1·    All children in the Nursery/Pre-Prep Department will be provided with sun hats, which must be worn when playing out in the summer sun. 

$1·    Sun cream (provided by the school) will be applied to Pre-Prep children.  Prep School children are to bring to school any sun cream that they wish to apply.


Safety/HIV Protection

Disposable gloves will always be worn when treating any accidents/incidents that involve body fluids. Make sure any waste (wipes, pads, paper towels etc) are placed in a disposable bag and fastened securely. Any children’s clothes should be placed in a plastic bag and fastened securely ready to take home.




Code of Practice for Hygiene and Infection Control

All adults working within Barnardiston Hall will ensure that normal hygiene precautions are taken to prevent and control the spread of ANY illness whether it originates from an infestation (e.g. worms), a bacterial or a viral source.  These infections include the usual childhood illnesses, as well as Hepatitis B, Meningitis and food poisoning such as Salmonella and Listeria, or AIDS and HIV.

The aim of this code is to eliminate opportunities for disease to develop or spread within the group and to ensure, as far as possible, a safe environment for children and adults with allergies.  All children attending Barnardiston Hall will be taught the importance of basic hygiene and good habits especially with regard to washing hands before eating food and after going to the toilet, being in the garden or handling animals.

The following precautions should be carried out at all times:

  • Wash up thoroughly in HOT water and detergent, using gloves routinely. (If you can put bare hands in the water then it is not hot enough)
  • Air-drying is best but when this is not possible, clean drying up cloths should be used and changed at every session (i.e. different cloths for morning and afternoon)
  • Use different cleaning cloths for kitchen, toilet areas and tables.  Wash and disinfect or renew these regularly
  • Wash hands before and after handling food
  • Wash hands after using the toilet
  • Fruit should be washed before eating
  • Any frozen food should be properly defrosted and cooked thoroughly
  • Food should be refrigerated as appropriate
  • Throw away any left over food immediately, including milk which has been at room temperature for more than one hour
  • Cover cuts, whether on adults or children, with appropriate dressing
  • Wipe up spills of blood, vomit or excrement and flush away down the toilet.  Always use disposable gloves when cleaning up spills of body fluids.  Floors and other affected surfaces should be disinfected using bleach diluted according to the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Wash fabrics contaminated with body fluids by using the hot cycle in a washing machine
  • Children with pierced ears should not be allowed to try on or share each other’s earrings
  • A large box of tissues should always be available and children should be encouraged to blow and wipe their noses when necessary.  Soiled tissues must be disposed of hygienically
  • Children should be encouraged to shield their mouths when coughing
  • Spare laundered pants, and other clothing, will be available in case of accidents
  • Polythene bags will be accessible in which to wrap soiled garments
  • An adequately stocked First Aid Box will be kept on the premises – including disposable gloves
  • All accidents and incidents will be recorded
  • The children’s toilets will be regularly checked and cleaned during the session as necessary
  • The snack table will be cleaned with an appropriate biological cleaner once the table has been cleared
  • The refrigerator should be cleaned thoroughly each week
  • The toilets, including floors, will be cleaned as necessary during the sessions and at the end of each day using a separate cloth/mop and appropriate cleaning agent.
  • The kitchen surfaces will be wiped daily and given a thorough clean each week
  • Toys and other resources will be cleaned regularly
  • All rubbish bins will be emptied daily and disinfected each week
  • Staff will regularly update themselves with regard to good hygiene practice
  • Staff will be encouraged to attend appropriate training courses

Alcohol/Staff and visitors


The bringing of alcohol onto the premises, without the prior permission of the headmaster is strictly forbidden.  We would ask that if you have purchased alcohol on the way to the school, it is left in a car or given to someone for safe keeping prior to entering the premises.  If this is not possible, please inform the office staff in the main house that you have alcohol and they will make arrangements for its safe keeping until you depart.

The consumption of alcohol outside of working hours is a personal and private matter.  However, anyone who is working in the school – staff, students, volunteers, should be aware of the length of time it takes for alcohol to be processed by the body and ensure they are in a fit state to care for children during working hours.



Providing that medication is prescribed, or has been obtained over the counter from a pharmacy or similar establishment, in a sealed package or container and the medication is retained on your person, or in a bag whilst you are visiting the school purely to pick up or leave a child, then we would accept that the risks involved are very low and acceptable.

However, on all other occasions, where you are staying on the premises for any period of time, then you must inform the Health and Safety Officer or School Matron, of the drugs you are carrying.  You can then jointly agree any precautionary measures that need to be taken to ensure the safety of the children.  Should you be taking medication which you are aware could have an adverse effect on you, then you must inform the Health and Safety Officer or School Matron on arrival.

Staff who need to take medication during the session, e.g. for asthma, diabetes, etc. must inform the school matron who will ensure it is stored in safety, out of the reach of children.

It is strictly forbidden to bring any non-proprietary drugs onto the premises.





Nursery hygiene

Staff who have to change nappies are to wear examination gloves.

Nappies should only be changed on the designated changing table and should be disposed of in the designated waste disposal unit.


Recording Accidents

All accidents must be recorded in a Record of First Aid Treatment book. A copy of this is kept by each first aid box. All details need to be filled in, including any treatment given.


First Aid Boxes


Sanitarium, kitchen in main house, science laboratory, nursery, pre-prep, buses for excursions.




$1·      First Aid Guidance Leaflet

$1·      Disposable Alcohol free wipes

$1·      Plasters

$1·      Safety Pins

$1·      Dressings


First Aid Supplies


Extra and additional more specialised equipment for first aid boxes is kept by the school nurse.

Supplies are also kept of:

$1·      Eye Wash

$1·      Bandages

$1·      Gauze

$1·      Slings

$1·      Antihistamine

$1·      Calpol

Person Responsible for Supplies


The school nurse is responsible for checking the contents of the first aid boxes on a regular basis and for placing orders to replenish stock. All staff are responsible for notifying The school nurse if the supplies in any of the first aid boxes are running low.




Allergies/Long Term Illness


A record is kept in the Surgery of any child’s allergy to any form of medication (if notified by the parent) any long-term illness, for example asthma, and details on any child whose health might give cause for concern.


First aid courses are advertised on the course board, and all staff are welcome to attend.




Accidents fall into four categories:

$1·      Fatal

$1·      Major injury

$1·      To employees resulting in more that three days consecutive absence

$1·      Other accidents

Accidents in the first two categories should be reported immediately to:

The Health and Safety Executive

Incident Contact Centre

Caerphilly Business Park


CF83 3GG

Tel: 0845 300 9923

Fax:0845 300 9924


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The accident should be reported either by telephone or online immediately, and then confirmed in writing on form F2508A. A list of what constitutes a major injury is attached. Category 3 accidents are reported to the Health and Safety Executive within 7 days on F2508A

If the accident is more than a minor one for child or adult, please report it immediately to the Head teacher, Deputy Head teacher or School Office who will send for an ambulance if needed and contact parents.

When in doubt, contact parents/guardians.


Other accidents


These are the accidents, which more commonly occur in school.

Procedure to follow:

$1·      Always fill in the accident book for minor injuries (including all bumps on the head, but not minor cuts and grazes). They are found in Pre Prep and Sanatorium

$1·      If a child has a bump on the head you must send a letter home and/or contact the parent/guardian. The letters are kept in the Pre Prep and Sanatorium.

$1·      Fill in the accident form (F2508), copies of which are kept in the Bursar’s office, if the parent/guardian has to be sent for to take the child to the family doctor or to hospital for further treatment. Give the form to the Head teacher or the Deputy Head teacher to sign.

Copies will then be taken for:

$1·      Health and Safety Executive (and posted)

$1·      For the school file

Major Injuries

$1·      Fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis

$1·      Fracture of any bone in the arm other than a bone in the wrist or hand

$1·      Fracture of any bone in the leg other than a bone in the ankle or foot

$1·      Amputation of a hand or foot

$1·      The loss of sight of an eye

$1·      Any other injury which results in the person injured being admitted to hospital as an inpatient for more than 24 hours, unless that person is detained only for observation

It might be that the extent of the injury may not be apparent at the time of the accident or immediately afterwards, or the injured person may not immediately be admitted to hospital. Once the injuries are confirmed, or the person has spent more than 24 hours in hospital, then the accident must be reported as a major injury.

See Accident Documentation for further details.

Accident Documentation


The following documentation is attached:

$1·      Reporting of school accidents to the Health and Safety Executive

$1·      Guidance notes on completing Form F2508

$1·      Form F2508

$1·      Accidents to school children

Reporting School Accidents


Certain accidents arising out of or in connection with work are reportable to the Health and Safety Executive under the requirements of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985. The following gives practical advice to schools on compliance with this duty.

It is not a complete statement of the duty.


Employee Accidents


(This applies to all Education employees and self-employed persons on school premises).

Any accident to an employee resulting in a fatal or major injury must be reported to the HSE immediately by telephone. The details must be confirmed on Form F2508 within 7 days.

If the accident does not result in a fatal or major injury, but the employee is incapacitated from their normal work for more than three days (excluding the day of the accident) there is no need to telephone, but Form 2508 must be completed and sent to the HSE within seven days of the accident.

Pupil Accidents


(Including accidents to any visitors not at work)

Fatal and major injuries to pupils on school premises during school hours must be reported in the same way as those to employees. However, injuries during play activities in playgrounds arising from collisions, slips and falls are not reportable unless they are attributable to:

$1·      The condition of the premises (for example, potholes, ice, damaged or worn steps etc

$1·      Plant or equipment on the school premises

$1·      The lack of proper supervision

Fatal and major injuries to school pupils occurring on school sponsored or controlled activities off the school site (such as field trips, sporting events or holidays in the UK) must be reported if the accident arose out of or in connection with these activities.

Health and Safety Executive

Health & Safety at Work Act 1974

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985





Please use this form for making reports to the enforcing authority about events covered by Regulation 3 or 6 of the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985.

If you do not know who the appropriate enforcing authority is, then send the form to the nearest office of the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). They will pass it on if necessary.

If you are unsure of the address of the nearest HSE office and it is not listed in the local telephone directory, you may find out by telephoning the HSE enquiry point on 0151 951 4381.



The tick boxes in Section A cover the different kinds of event, which must be reported under Regulations 3 and 6.


Tick this box if someone has died as a result of an accident arising out of or in connection with work.


Tick this box if someone has suffered one of the following major injuries or conditions as a result of an accident arising out of or in connection with work:

–    fracture of the skull, spine or pelvis;

–    fracture of any bone:

      in the arm or wrist, but not a bone in the hand; or in     the leg or ankle, but not a bone in the foot;

–    amputation of:

      a hand or foot; or

      a finger, thumb or toe, or any part thereof if the joint 8        or bone is completely severed;

–    the loss of sight of an eye, a penetrating injury to an            eye, or a chemical or hot metal burn to an eye;

–    either injury (including burns) requiring immediate                medical treatment, or loss of consciousness, resulting in either case from an electric shock from any       electrical circuit or equipment, whether or not due to            direct contact;

–    loss of consciousness resulting from lack of oxygen;

–    decompression sickness (unless suffered during an                operation to which the Diving Operations at Work Regulations 1981 apply) requiring immediate medical treatment;

– either acute illness requiring medical treatment, or    loss of consciousness, resulting in either case from the absorption of any substance by inhalation,                            ingestion or through the skin;

–    acute illness requiring medical treatment where       there                    is a reason to believe that this resulted from       exposure                         to a pathogen or infected material;

–    any other injury which results in the person injured       being admitted immediately into hospital for more                   than 24 hours.



Tick this box if an employee of yours, a person to whom you are providing training for employment, or a self-employed person working in premises under your control (or you, if you are a self-employed person in your own premises) received an ‘over-3-day’ injury at work, ie an injury which was not one of those listed above, but resulted in incapacity for work for more than 3 days.


Tick this box if there has been one of the dangerous occurrences listed overleaf. If a reportable injury was caused you should also tick box 1, 2 or 3, whichever is appropriate


Tick this box if you are a supplier of flammable gas through a fixed pipe system or a filler, importer or supplier of LPG in a refillable container and you are reporting a fatal injury or one of those listed above, which arose from an incident involving that gas (but not if the incident was connected with a work activity).


Tick this box if you are a supplier of flammable gas through a fixed pipe system and you have found out that a connected gas fitting in a user’s premises is or has been faulty and dangerous in one of the ways specified by the Regulations.



3.  PERSON OR ORGANISATION MAKING THE                           REPORT

Just who must report the events covered by boxes 14 in Section A depends upon the circumstances and upon who, if anyone, is killed or injured. The onus to report might be placed on, for example: the employer of an injured person; a self-employed person; someone in control of premises where work is carried on; or someone who provides training for employment. Detailed guidance on this can be found in HSE booklet HS(R)23.







In addition to entering the date, time and address where the reportable event happened (if different from that of the person making the report), you are asked to state:

–    precisely where on the premises or site the event    happened, for example foundry, storeroom, canteen, hospital laundry, grain store, etc and

–    what type of work activity is normally carried out                 there (or was being carried out at the time) as part of your business or undertaking, if not already clear        from your description of the place.



A few examples may help to show what is needed in the ‘employment status’ and ‘trade, occupation or job title’ parts of this section, if the injured person was:

(a) a plumber employed by you: then you would tick box 10 and write ‘plumber’ in the space provided for trade, occupation etc;

(b) a self-employed plumber: then you would tick box 11 and write ‘plumber’;

(c) an employee of yours receiving formal training in                 plumbing either as a YTS trainee or as an apprentice: then you would tick box 10 and either box 12 or 13      as appropriate and write ‘plumber’;

(d) a YTS trainee in joinery: then you would tick box 13            and write ‘joinery’

(e) a school pupil, college student, patient in hospital or              customer in a shop: then you would tick box 14 and write ‘pupil’, ‘student’, ‘patient’ or ‘customer’ in the space provided for trade, occupation etc.




If the accident involved a sequence of two or more of the events listed here, then tick the box for the one which happened first (only one box should be ticked in this action).

If the accident did not involve any of these as the primary event, then tick box 15 and give as much detail about the accident as you can in section H of the form, after you have completed Section F.


Having classified the kind of accident in Section E of the form, you are asked here to describe just what thing or hazard was actually involved – the principal agent or factor.

You should do this firstly by indicating which of the listed broad categories the agent fits into and secondly, by describing it more precisely in writing – giving its name, type and/or purpose.

You can tick more than one box if more than one of the listed agents was involved – a written description of each should be given. Tick box 17 if none of the other boxes cover the accident which you are reporting.

Example: If the reported injury is a burn arising from an accident involving the ignition of a flammable liquid escaping from a fractured pipe in a chemical plant, then you should tick box 11 in Section E and boxes 5 and 6 in Section F and your written description in Section F should refer to the pipe and its use and to the flammable substance involved.





















Health and Safety Executive

Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974

Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1985

Report of an injury or dangerous occurrence

$1·       Full notes to help you complete this form are attached.

$1·       This form is to be used to make a report to the enforcing authority under the requirements of Regulations 3 or 6.

$1·       Completing and signing this form does not constitute an admission of liability of any kind, either by the person making the report or any other person.

$1·       If more than one person was injured as a result of an accident, please complete a separate form for each person.


A   Subject of report (tick appropriate box or boxes) – see note 2

Fatality                     Specified major                           ‘Over three                           Dangerous                              

           o 1              injury or condition  o2            day’ injury  o3                  occurrence  o4


Flammable gas incident (fatality                                                                                               Dangerous

or major injury or condition)  o5                                                                         gas fitting  o6


B   Person or oganisation making report (ie person obliged to report under the Regulations) – see note 3


Name and address                                                                                   Nature of trade, business or undertaking




If in construction industry, state the

total number of your employees

                                                                Post code                                 and indicate the role of your company on site

                                                                                                                (tick box)

Name and telephone no. of person to contact                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Main site contractor                 Sub contractor         Other

                                                                                                                              o7                                   o8                                  o9

                                                                                                                If in farming, are you reporting an injury to a member                                                                                                                            of your family? (tick box)               Yes o         No o                                                                       

C   Date, time and place of accident, dangerous occurrence or flammable gas incident – see note 4

Date                                                                                              Time                                 

Give the name and address if different from above

where on the premises or site 

and normal activity carried on there

Complete the following sections D, E, F, & H if you have ticked boxes 1, 2, 3 or 5 in Section A. Otherwise go straight to Sections G and H.

D   The injured person – see note 5

Full name and address

Age o                   Sex o                                  Status (tick box)     Employee o 10             Self employed o11         Trainee (YTS) o12                                                                                            Trainee(other) o13      Any other person o14

Trade, occupation or job title

Nature of injury or condition and the part of the body affected

To be forwarded to the HEALTH AND SAFETY GROUP, County Hall

via the Area Education Office

<your Local Authority>



District No.......................................... School No............................ Name of School.............................................


$11.     Name of pupil


$12.     Age (Yrs, Mths) and Date of Birth

       Yrs         Mths     Date of Birth


$13.     Date of accident


$14.     Did the accident occur during school hours? (lunch hour included)


$15.     State how the accident occurred; what was its cause; what was the nature of injuries.


$16.     Give the name(s) of any person(s) including children who saw, or were present at the time of the accident.


$17.     Was the pupil under the supervision of a teacher? If so, state the nature and extent of the supervision


$18.     Was the pupil acting under the instructions of a teacher at the time of the accident?


$19.     Was the pupil acting against express orders of rules at the time of the accident?


$110. Have there been any previous accidents at the school which might have been due to the same cause?


$111. Was the accident caused or contributed to by any defect in the playground or premises or the condition of the school furniture?


<your LEA> ACCIDENT REPORT FORM (To be completed in the case of all accidents to employees)

Department                                                                                                          Section

Note: This form should be forwarded through the Area Education Office to the Health and Safety Group, County Hall

Full Name                                                                                                             Date of Birth

Address                                                                                                                  Sex         M o       F o       

Occupation                                                                                                           CURRENT GRADE/SCALE

Place of Work

How long with the Authority?

Date and time of accident

State nature and extent of injuries sustained

Where did the accident occur?

State how accident occurred and what equipment was being used

Was the employee carrying out his/her duties as authorised?    Yes o        No o

If ‘No’ give details

Names and addresses

of witnesses

(if more than two attach details separately)


Name and address of employee’s general practitioner 

If absent from work state a) Date and time ceased work

                                                b) Date returned

Signature and designation of Reporting Officer            Date

............................................................................    ....................................................................

Name                                                                                     Date ceased work

............................................................................    ....................................................................

  crested logo Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is a trading name for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Ltd
 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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