
Behaviour Policy




Behaviour Policy

This document is to be used in conjunction with the Discipline, rewards and sanction policy.


Barnardiston Hall Prep School aims to encourage pupils, from Early Years up to our Year 8, to adopt the highest standards of behaviour, principles and moral standards. We aim to promote trust, mutual respect for everyone. We believe that good relations, good manners and a secure learning environment play a crucial part in the development of intellectually curious pupils, who are motivated to become life-long learners. We develop qualities of team-work and leadership through our extensive programme of extra-curricular activities.

Barnardiston Hall Prep School is an inclusive community. We welcome pupils from a wide variety of ethnic and social backgrounds and faiths. We treat everyone as an individual, aim to develop the whole person equipped to take his/her place in the modern world.



Barnardiston Hall Prep School community of staff, parents and pupils adhere to a code of conduct, rather than to lists of rules. We see education as a partnership. Our staff are committed to excellence, aiming to achieve a spirit of trust and cooperation. We expect the highest values and standards of behaviour both inside and outside the classroom, as well as outside the school and in any written or electronic communication concerning the school.

We expect pupils to treat staff and each other with consideration and good manners and to respond positively to the opportunities and demands of school life. They should follow the school’s Rules and Regulations.

Everyone has a right to feel secure and to be treated with respect, particularly the vulnerable. Harassment and bullying will not be tolerated. Our Anti-bullying policy is set out in the Parent Handbook. The school is strongly committed to promoting equal opportunities for all, regardless of race, gender, gender orientation or physical disability.

We expect pupils to be ready to learn and to participate in school activities. They should attend school and lessons punctually and follow the school’s attendance policy. They should care for the buildings, equipment and furniture. We expect pupils to behave at all times in a manner that reflects the best interests of the whole community.


Parents and Guardians who accept a place for their child at Barnardiston Hall Prep School undertake to uphold the school’s policies and regulations, including this policy. They will support the school’s values in matters such as attendance and punctuality, behaviour, uniform/dress and appearance, standards of academic work, extra-curricular activities and homework/private study.

We will always telephone the home on the first day of an unexplained absence in order to make sure that your child has not suffered an accident. Please note that it is the School policy usually not to allow holiday to be taken during term.



Our experience shows that the ethos of and respect for the school is enhanced by listening to our pupils and by encouraging constructive suggestions from them during staff/pupil discussions.



The school’s Rules and Regulations are designed to encourage positive behaviour. Its sanctions are to help us to manage challenging behaviour. Copies of the Rules and Regulations are set out in the Parent Handbook and may change from time to time. Parents and Guardians undertake to support the authority of the Headmaster in enforcing them in a fair manner that is designed to safeguard the welfare of the community as a whole.

The Headmaster, for his part, undertakes to apply any sanctions fairly, and, where appropriate, after due investigative action has taken place. Sanctions may undergo reasonable change from time to time; but will not involve any form of unlawful or degrading activity. Examples of sanctions include: detention during morning breaks or on Saturdays, withdrawal of privileges, assistance with domestic tasks, such as collecting litter, suspension for a specified period, removal or expulsion. The school’s policy on Discipline and Exclusions is set out in the Parent Handbook.



Barnardiston Hall Prep school aims to raise the aspirations of all its pupils and to help them to appreciate that there are no barriers to their potential achievements both inside and outside the classroom. Pupils are encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning. We celebrate success, emphasise the positive and deal with the negative in a sensitive and tactful way. Our teaching staff offer every child a high level of individual attention, together with consistent and helpful advice. In return, we expect every pupil to cooperate and to work hard.



We hope that you and your child do not have any complaints about the operation of our behaviour policy.  A  Copy of our Complaints procedure is included in the School Handbook and further copies can be sent to you on request or picked up from the School Office.

Reviewed March 13


  crested logo Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School is a trading name for Barnardiston Hall Preparatory School Ltd
 Directors:  KA Boulter and RA Richardson              Company Registration Number 3005470
Registered Office: Greenwood House, Greenwood Court, Skyliner Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP32 7GY
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